Mike Flanagan Discusses Physical Media Challenges and New Amazon Partnership

Mike Flanagan Discusses Physical Media Challenges and New Amazon Partnership

For fans of Mike Flanagan, there’s been a long-standing curiosity about the availability of his works on physical media. Known for collaborating with Netflix on horror hits like The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass, and The Fall of the House of Usher, Flanagan has publicly shared his frustrations over Netflix’s reluctance to release their exclusive content on formats like Blu-ray and DVD. Speaking out on this topic, he revealed that Netflix was not just disinterested but even actively hostile to the idea.

Mike Flanagan Discusses Physical Media Challenges and New Amazon Partnership

Flanagan’s Journey with Netflix and Physical Media

Over the years, Mike Flanagan has built a rich history with Netflix, producing several acclaimed horror series. However, his journey hasn’t been without its bumps. In a series of candid remarks, Flanagan explained how Netflix refused at every turn when he attempted to have his content released on physical media. He elaborated, saying, This is a very dangerous point of view…they sometimes fail to see the difference between disruption and damage.

According to the filmmaker, this approach by Netflix has detrimental impacts on film preservation as a whole. Considering the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into his projects, it’s understandable why Flanagan would seek wider avenues for these works beyond digital streaming.

A New Alliance with Amazon Studios

Recognizing his struggles, Flanagan and co-producer Trevor Macy appear to be looking forward to new avenues. Their move to Amazon Studios marks a significant shift. They expressed their excitement about this new chapter, stating, Their commitment to engaging in groundbreaking series and content aligns with the ethos of what we have built at Intrepid.

This partnership provides fresh hope for fans wishing to see Flanagan’s works arrive on physical formats. It’s likely that future projects under his direction will benefit from more inclusive distribution policies, enhancing their accessibility and longevity.

Misdirected Priorities?

It’s noteworthy how other platforms like Amazon seem more open to physical releases than Netflix. The latter’s strategy, which emphasizes digital subscriptions over physical ownership, could potentially limit the comprehensive appreciation of its myriad shows and movies. Reflecting on Netflix’s priorities, Mike said, Their only priority was subs.

Mike Flanagan Discusses Physical Media Challenges and New Amazon Partnership

This statement underscores a broader tension within the industry concerning artistic control versus commercial strategies. Figures like Ted Sarandos might believe titles such as Barbie and Oppenheimer would fare equally well on streaming platforms—a sentiment that raises questions about prioritizing profits over cinematic experiences.

The Future Ahead

As Mike Flanagan transitions towards new ventures with Amazon Studios, it’s an exciting time not just for him but for audiences eager for quality physical releases. His upcoming series like The Fall of the House of Usher, still headed to Netflix for now, indicate there’s much more in store from this visionary director.

Mike Flanagan Discusses Physical Media Challenges and New Amazon Partnership

Tapping into both streaming prowess and physical formats could pave the way for a harmonious future where viewers can enjoy Flanagan’s unique storytelling in any medium they prefer. This adaptability might indeed become crucial as film consumption habits continue to evolve.

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