Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed

The anticipation for Lethal Weapon 5 continues to build as Mel Gibson has recently confirmed that the film is still moving forward, and he will be stepping into the director’s chair. This announcement has grabbed the attention of fans of the iconic 80s buddy cop franchise.

Reviving an Iconic Legacy

Since the original Lethal Weapon debuted in 1987, it has become a staple in the action genre, combining humor with intense, thrilling moments. Directed and produced by the late Richard Donner, the first four films starred Mel Gibson as Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as Roger Murtaugh. These characters became synonymous with the buddy cop format, and their unique chemistry is a significant pull for audiences. Interestingly enough, Donner had directed all previous installments.

Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed

Gibson recently provided substantial updates on the project’s current status. Reflecting on his close partnership with Donner, who sadly passed away in July 2021, Gibson shared some poignant details about his involvement: He was developing the screenplay and he got pretty far along with it. And he said to me one day, ‘Listen kid, if I kick the bucket, you will do it.’ And I said: ‘Shut up.

He did indeed pass away, but he did ask me to do it, and, at the time, I didn’t say anything. He said it to his wife and to the studio and the producer. So, I will be directing the fifth one.

A Sequel True to Its Roots

The script for Lethal Weapon 5 will draw heavily from Donner’s original work, with some adjustments made by writer Jez Butterworth to ensure that it fits within today’s context while remaining a proper sequel. Gibson emphasized there would be a balance, stating: It’s funny! But it’s also pretty serious too. It tackles a couple of hard issues.

Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed

A Proper Sendoff

This film marks an exciting return for both Gibson and Glover to their iconic roles. Given that this is likely to be the last entry in the series that cemented their status in Hollywood, there is much intrigue about how they will handle both character continuity and fresh storytelling elements.

The duo of Riggs and Murtaugh tackling serious topics amidst their classic humor promises an engaging experience for audiences new and old alike.

Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed

Looking Forward

The challenge ahead lies in ensuring that Lethal Weapon 5 doesn’t lean too heavily on nostalgia but instead honors its legacy while introducing new elements that resonate with today’s audience. With Mel Gibson at the helm, carrying forward Richard Donner’s vision might just provide a fitting closure to this legendary franchise.

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