Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

Mark Duplass, co-writer and star of the Creep films, has exciting news for horror enthusiasts. Creep 3 is transforming into a new TV series titled The Creep Tapes. This announcement follows numerous cryptic messages from Duplass across social media platforms such as TikTok and X.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

Reflecting on the creation of the initial film, If your average horror filmmaker made a movie about a Craigslist adventure gone wrong, within the first 10 minutes someone’s going to get killed. We were very interested in making a movie where the central question is, ‘Is this guy just a little off, or is he really dangerous?’

A pivotal moment arrived when Duplass‘s character Josef donned the infamous wolf mask named Peachfuzz, leaving an indelible mark on viewers.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

From Film to Series

The series, co-created by Duplass and director Patrick Brice, shifts focus to a collection of videotapes found in the secret vault of one of cinema’s most unsettling serial killers. Each episode will spotlight a different victim lured under false pretenses to film him for a day.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

A Decade of Anticipation

The Creep films date back to 2014, born from a series of ongoing conversations between co-writers and creators Duplass and Brice. The collaborative nature of their efforts saw multiple rounds of shooting, reshooting, editing, and reshaping. Initially envisioned as a trilogy, the second installment presented Desiree Akhavan as Sara.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

Sara’s storyline in Creep 2 was instrumental in depicting Aaron’s true nature. As Akhavan’s Sara engages with Aaron (formerly Josef), who unveils himself as a serial killer, viewers can’t help but be drawn into her fight for survival.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

An Homage to Horror Classics

The storylines within the Creep series have long been inspired by character-driven dramas like My Dinner With Andre, Misery, and Fatal Attraction. The narrative complexity honors Duplass’ unique experiences stemming from some bizarre Craigslist encounters.

Mark Duplass Announces New TV Series Based on Creep Films

The shift to television brings fresh possibilities. Each episode of The Creep Tapes promises to delve deeper into eccentric and chilling aspects that define this unconventional franchise. With new stories unfolding each week, fans can anticipate an expanded and enriched world under Duplass’ eerie vision.

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