Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

The legendary actor Donald Sutherland, known for his remarkable career that spanned over six decades, has died at the age of 88. He passed away in Miami on June 20, 2024, after a long illness. The cause of death was not detailed further.

Sutherland’s talent agency, Creative Artists Agency, released a statement saying, Acclaimed actor Donald Sutherland died today in Miami, Florida after a long illness.

A Storied Career

Throughout his illustrious career, Sutherland appeared in approximately 140 movies and won two Golden Globes. Some of his most memorable roles include performances in Ordinary People, M*A*S*H, and as President Snow in The Hunger Games franchise.

Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

Tributes Pour In

Many friends and colleagues shared their grief and memories. His son Kiefer Sutherland paid tribute on X (formerly known as Twitter), saying, With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, has passed away. I personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film…

Rob Lowe, who co-starred with Sutherland in the miniseries Salem’s Lot, expressed his admiration: Sutherland had been one of our greatest actors… Good night my friend…

A Resilient Spirit

As a child, Sutherland suffered from multiple health challenges including hepatitis, rheumatic fever, and polio, which left one leg shorter than the other. Despite these hardships, he persevered to leave an indelible mark on the film industry.

A Fond Farewell from Friends and Co-stars

Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

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Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

Director Ron Howard remembered him fondly: I was blessed to direct him in #Backdraft. One of the most intelligent, interesting & engrossing film actors of all time…

Legendary Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88 After Long Illness

Elliott Gould shared his feelings with The Hollywood Reporter: The angels rejoice, and the actor leaves, yelling over his shoulder, ‘Aha! Tradition is passé.’

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