Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

Kylie Kelce shared candid insights as she addressed the 2024 graduating class at Cabrini University, which will be the institution’s final group before its closure. Reflecting on her experiences as a mother of three, Kelce emphasized that no one ever has life completely figured out.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

A Candid Conversation About Parenthood

Drawing from her own life, Kelce offered a down-to-earth perspective, highlighting that even parents are winging it. She remarked, Every day we are winging it, just trying not to mess our kids up. Come to find out, that’s what our parents did, too.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

The Beauty of Growing Older

Encouraging graduates to stay true to themselves, Kelce noted the significance of personal growth and wisdom gained through experience. You are better equipped with knowledge to make more informed decisions. This was a recurring theme in her speech.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

A Touching Goodbye to Cabrini

The commencement was particularly sentimental as it marked the end of an era for Cabrini University. Her sense of nostalgia was tangible as she said,This was home, and this was where you found your extended family.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

Embracing Uncertainty

Kylie stressed the importance of facing uncertainty with determination and confidence. I am really want you to understand that with determination and a little potentially unjustified confidence, you can get through the times of uncertainty, she advised.
The acquisition of Cabrini’s campus by Villanova University adds another layer of transition for the students.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

Fake It Until You Make It

Kylie’s concluding advice was both humorous and heartfelt: Fake it until you make it. This encapsulated her experience and resonated deeply with the audience.
Her emphasis on integrity shone through when she stated,The missing piece of information is what you do when no one is really looking.

Kylie Kelce Reflects on Motherhood During Commencement Speech We are Winging It

Nostalgia and Future Hopes

Kelce’s speech beautifully blended nostalgia with hopeful advice for future challenges. As she bid farewell to her alma mater, Kylie assured graduates that their connections would keep the spirit of Cabrini alive. Know that your home still exists.

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