Savannah Guthries Son FaceTimes Her During Today Show

Savannah Guthries Son FaceTimes Her During Today ShowSavannah Guthrie‘s 7-year-old son, Charley, made an adorable surprise appearance on TODAY during a live segment on May 23. As the U.S. Navy Band Northeast performed ‘God Bless America,’ co-host Hoda Kotb held up Savannah’s phone, showing Charley on FaceTime.

Savannah’s son is on FaceTime, announced Hoda. She added, You know who else is enjoying this music? The plaza outside, the three of us and one little boy … he wanted to hear a little bit of it. It’s wonderful but I was telling him, ‘Shhh! We’re on the air!’

Savannah Guthries Son FaceTimes Her During Today Show

Fans were quick to react to the moment, commenting on Instagram with messages like This is so cute – the epitome of ‘I don’t care what my mom does for a living. I need to speak with her.

Charley’s cameo isn’t just about a cute interruption—it’s reflective of Guthrie’s balance between work and parenting. In an interview with PEOPLE, she noted, I’m so grateful for my blessings. I really can’t get over it—I’ll never get over it.

Savannah Guthries Son FaceTimes Her During Today ShowCo-anchor Hoda added to this sentiment praising Guthrie saying, If there’s a day where five minutes before air, the foremost thing on our mind is something that happened at home, we can talk about that with each other. If I need to vent, I know Hoda has an open and willing ear and really good advice too.

The emotional moment underscores the strong camaraderie between Guthrie and Kotb on TODAY. Reflecting on her relationship with Hoda and her role at the desk, Guthrie shared with how significant this bond is for her.

Savannah Guthries Son FaceTimes Her During Today Show

The musical performance by the U.S. Navy Band Northeast resonated beyond just the studio. According to Kotb, Charley was particularly excited about their remarkable rendition. She remarked,You can’t blame him; the music is incredible.

Savannah shares Charley and 9-year-old daughter Vale with husband Michael Feldman. The journalist often reflects on her journey to motherhood with profound gratitude. She told PEOPLE earlier this year,There were times when I didn’t think there was much hope for me, but being a parent has left me feeling so lucky.

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