Kroger to Sweeten the Summer Solstice with Free Ice Cream Giveaway

Kroger to Sweeten the Summer Solstice with Free Ice Cream Giveaway

Kroger is making this summer even sweeter by giving away 45,000 free pints of ice cream on June 20th, the summer solstice. According to People, the retail giant aims to cool down its loyal customers with this exciting offer, ensuring that the longest day of the year ends with a delicious treat.

How to Get Your Free Ice Cream

To take advantage of this generous giveaway, customers need to download a digital coupon from This coupon can be redeemed for one pint of Kroger Brand ice cream at participating stores. Popular flavors include Vividly Vanilla, Deluxe Chocolate Chip, and new favorites like Tie Dye Burst and Rainbow Sherbet.

Kroger to Sweeten the Summer Solstice with Free Ice Cream Giveaway

Why Kroger is Doing This

Summer means more time with family, more time by the pool, and more time indulging in our favorite treats, and nothing says a perfect summer day like sunshine and Kroger Brand ice cream. With more sunshine to enjoy a sweet treat, we are giving away ice cream for 15 hours straight; that is a whole lot of free ice cream. says Juan De Paoli, Vice President of Our Brands for Kroger.

Where You Can Redeem Your Pint

The promotion will be available in select locations while supplies last. However, free pints will not be available in California, Colorado, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Dakota, Nevada, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Kroger to Sweeten the Summer Solstice with Free Ice Cream Giveaway

For more information on the promotion and to find out if your local store is participating, visit Get ready to make your summer solstice a memorable one with an icy delight!

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