Kit Harington Stars as a Werewolf in The Beast Within Hitting Theaters This July

After conquering the screen as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, Kit Harington is set to take on the role of a werewolf in the upcoming thriller, The Beast Within.

Updated on June 20, 2024

Five years after his iconic portrayal of Jon Snow, the English actor now faces a new challenge, embodying a character that transforms into a beastly creature in this eagerly awaited monster movie.

An Isolated Life

Caoilinn Springall stars as Willow, a young girl who begins to question her family’s secluded existence. As strange events unfold, she follows her parents deep into the ancient English woods.

Kit Harington Stars as a Werewolf in The Beast Within Hitting Theaters This July

Witnessing her father’s horrifying transformation, Willow finds herself entwined with a dark ancestral secret.

Hints of a Werewolf

The trailer leaves subtle clues about the nature of Harington’s transformation. His long claws, fangs, and yellow eyes suggest a werewolf-like change, further amplified by frequent full moon shots. His wife, portrayed by Ashleigh Cummings, tries to manage his transformations by tying him up in a sturdy cage during these harrowing nights.

Family Secrets and Ancestral Curses

Harington’s character doesn’t just transform; he lives within an ancient curse that plagues their lineage. Willow herself starts showing signs of this dark heritage as she starts peeling off her fingernails and growing fangs.

A New Journey for Harington

This narrative isn’t just a monstrous diversion for Harington but also his attempt to dive into new genres post Game of Thrones. Filmmaker Alexander J. Farrell’s directorial debut promises to explore deep-rooted secrets and transformations.

Said by Harington in a recent interview: The psychological depth and horror elements were really compelling for me as an actor.

A Stellar Cast

Caoilinn Springall joins Harington as Willow, amplifying the familial tension with her compelling performance. The cast also includes Ashleigh Cummings pivotal in tethering the monstrous aspects in a realistic setting.

Cinematic Transformation

This movie, premiering at Fantasia International Film Festival, explores how far one can go to hide unthinkable truths from loved ones. Prepare for theaters on July 26th.

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