10 Things You Didn’t Know about Judah Lewis

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Judah Lewis

For many actors, breaking into the professional world can take years. Even once they start landing a few roles, it’s no guarantee that their career will go anywhere. With that being said, Judah Lewis’ career has been the stuff that dreams are made of. The young actor is just getting started but he’s already gotten some incredible opportunities. He got his first big role in 2016 when he was cast in the TV series Game of Silence. Unfortunately, the show was canceled after the first season. In 2017, he was cast in a main role in the Netflix movie, The Babysitter. In 2020, he reprised that role for the sequel, and fans were excited to see him continue the story. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Judah Lewis.

1. He Auditioned For Captain America: Civil War 

Almost all of Judah’s career so far has been on the small screen, but that almost wasn’t the case. In 2016, he auditioned for the role of Spider-Man in the movie Captain America: Civil War. The role ultimately went to Tom Holland who currently plays Spider-Man in all the MCU films. Even though Judah wasn’t cast, he says the audition was a great learning experience for him.

2. His Parents Are Acting Coaches

Becoming an actor was almost inevitable for Judah. His parents are both acting coaches who started a local drama school. Judah started acting in some of their productions when he was just 4-years-old. For several years, however, acting wasn’t something that Judah was taking seriously. It was something he did simply because he was raised around it. When he turned 10, he started to develop a genuine interest.

3. He’s Worked With Jake Gyllenhaal

Even though Judah is young, he’s already gotten the chance to work with some of the industry’s heavy hitters. In 2015, he appeared in the film Demolition which starred Jake Gyllenhaal. He also starred opposite Helen Hunt in the 2019 Netflix movie, I See You.

4. He Loves Photography

Even outside of acting, Judah is a very artistic person who enjoys being creative and expressing himself. Photography is one of his favorite hobbies and he has the natural ability to capture the beauty in any moment. He often shares some of the pictures he takes on Instagram.

5. He’s Done Lots Of Traveling

Traveling the world can be an inspiring experience, and it’s one that Judah is thankful to have. He has been able to do quite a bit of traveling over the years and has been able to visit several different countries. Some of the places he’s been include Australia, Thailand, and France.

6. He Wants to Work With Richard Linklater

Even though the list of people he’s worked with is already impressive, there’s still someone else Judah wants to add to the list. He told The Hollywood Reporter, “My dream would be to work with Richard Linklater. Before Sunrise and Boyhood are probably my two favorite films, and they’re both by him. And I honestly think he’s genius and I also think the way he works with actors, watching interviews with him and also actors that he’s worked with, is really fascinating.”

7. He Plays Baseball

Acting isn’t the only thing Judah has dedicated lots of time to. He has also been a baseball player for many years and it’s one of his biggest passions. When he has free time, he likes to spend it out on the field. Now that he’s done with high school, though, his days as a competitive player may be behind him.

8. He Wants To Get Into Directing

Judah is a natural when it comes to being in front of the camera, but he also wants to experience the industry from the other side. At some point in his career, he hopes to get into directing. Judging by the eye that he has for taking photos, he’ll probably make a great director.

9. He’s Grew Up In L.A.

Los Angeles is arguably one of the coolest cities in the world. There are people who are willing to risk it all to move there and it’s the perfect place to start a career in the entertainment industry. Luckily for Judah, he never had to sell all of his worldly possessions to make his way to Los Angeles. He was raised there and still lives in the area today.

10. Elf Is His Favorite Christmas Movie

Almost all families have fun traditions to celebrate Christmas. One of the best traditions in the Lewis household is watching Elf together every year. During his interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Judah shared that Elf is his favorite Christmas movie of all-time.

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