10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ian Gomez

Ian Gomez

When you’re funny, people tend to like you more. It’s why comedians are so well-liked, and it’s why people like Ian Gomez have a huge fan base. He’s known for his humor and wit, but he is also known for being part of the cast of some of the most famous shows on television over the years. You know his face, you know his name, and you know his work. However, what else do you know about him? Other than the fact that he is a largely funny man, you probably don’t know much about what makes him so funny. The way he was raised and his life outside of work play a huge role in how he lives his life, and that’s why so many of Ian Gomez’s fans want to know more about him.

1. From NYC

Ian Gomez is 54, and he was born and raised in New York City. He’s one of the very few people in the world who get to call one of the most fabulous cities in the world his home, and that is a special feeling. Getting to live in the city your entire life is a fun way to grow up, but it’s one many people never get to experience.

2. Comes from a Family of Creatives

When he was born in the city, he was born into a family of creatives. We love that, because it usually means that people are more creative themselves. When you are exceptionally creative in one form of art or another, you are more likely to live a slightly non-traditional lifestyle. His mother was a dancer and his father an artist, so we assume he grew up in a life that was a bit less traditional than others in terms of his parent’s working hours, their drive, and so much more. We love that.

3. He’s Been on Some Funny Shows

Ian Gomez has been on so many shows we cannot even begin to list them all. From “The Drew Carey Show,” to “Cougar Town,” to “Felicity,” to “Curb Your Enthusiasm” to everything in between, he’s been around. He spent many years working with some of the most famous names and faces in Hollywood, and he’s befriended so many of them in his everyday life as a result.

4. Music Video Star

You might expect to see a supermodel with a music video background being all gorgeous and talented and stuff, but you don’t see a lot of comedians working as music vid stars. Not Ian Gomez. He’s a star. He was part of Alanis Morissette’s “Hands Clean” music video at the turn of the century, and it was a super cool moment for him. There was a time, after all, when music videos actually aired on television and we got to see them on music video channels, and we all had a small dream of one day being part of a music video. He just actually did it, which is the only difference.

5. Was Married A Long Time

When you’re an actor in Hollywood, you don’t often get to live the life of happily married for more than a few years. The public lifestyle, the long hours, the living apart for work, the many situations around here that are so different than the lives everyone else leads make it difficult to maintain a healthy marriage for many years. He managed to stay married to his wife (Nia Vardalos) for more than 23 years, however; and that is a long time. Of course, it did not work out. His divorce was finalized in 2018.

6. Starred with His Ex-Wife a Lot

Did you know that his ex-wife was a famous actress? That’s right; her name is Nia Vardalos. She’s the woman who starred in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” and about a million other things, too. She’s talented, and she’s good at all she touches, and she was the long-time wife of this comedian. They couldn’t make it work out, but they did a good job for more than two decades. That’s something to at least be proud of. The couple worked together a lot, too. He was in many of her projects, and we have to assume that their togetherness is a large part of why they managed to make their marriage work so much more successfully — well, until it wasn’t — for so much longer than other stars.

7. Their Divorce Was an Amicable One

Yes, we do hear the irony in that statement, but they did do this the right way. They both kept it clean and private. They both took their time to say only nice things about one another, and they both let the world know that this is not any of their business. We appreciated that, and we liked that they didn’t have an ugly word to say about one another and their ‘irreconcilable differences,’ throughout the process of their divorce.

8. He’s Got a Daughter

When he and his wife were married, they decided that they would adopt a child. They adopted their daughter, Ilaria in 2008. They both spend as much time with her as they possibly can, which is a nice way to raise their child. They don’t have any biological children, but they also don’t feel that they are missing anything in their lives. They were very outspoken about the adopt process, too.

9. They Became Friends

The reason that his marriage to his famous wife ended is because they fell into a habit of being out of love. They still love one another as friends and as parents, but they were friends and not a romantic couple any longer. They made the decision to separate more than a year before they decided to announce their divorce, and they are great friends. The romance simply departed.

10. He Converted Religions for Marriage

To marry his beautiful ex-wife, he had to make the choice to convert his religion to become a Greek Orthodox. He did that, and she actually spent the following four years applying for her U.S. Citizenship.

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