Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

A momentous occasion lies ahead for fans of cinema and music as the Hollywood Walk of Fame prepares to honor an impressive lineup of artists. Announced by the Walk of Fame Selection Panel of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the 2025 class includes towering figures such as Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, and Colin Farrell.

Prince’s Legendary Performance

Among the honorees, Prince stands out not only for his musical genius but also for his unforgettable live performances. One such moment occurred during the 2007 Super Bowl halftime show, where he played a stunning rendition of “Purple Rain” in a downpour. According to reports, Prince asked the show’s producers Can you make it rain harder?

Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

An Iconic Horror Director

The class also includes legendary horror director John Carpenter. Famous for classics like Halloween and The Thing, Carpenter’s influence on the genre cannot be overstated. Despite not directing since 2010’s The Ward, his impact remains significant.

Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

The Face Behind Freddy Kreuger

Robert Englund, known for portraying Freddy Kreuger in Wes Craven’s 1984 classic A Nightmare on Elm Street, will also receive a star. His portrayal became iconic, terrifying generations of viewers. Englund expressed his joy about the honor on Twitter: Just to hear my name mentioned alongside Jane Fonda and Prince makes my old heart go pit-a-pat!

Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

A Celebrated Actress

Jane Fonda, with her remarkable career spanning decades from roles in Klute to her advocacy work, adds a distinguished name to the list. She remains an influential figure both on and off screen.

Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

A Versatile Star

Among the ceremonious list is also Colin Farrell, an actor noted for his versatile roles in films such as In Bruges. His performances have gained critical acclaim and continue to impress audiences worldwide.

Hollywood Walk of Fame to Honor Prince, Jessica Chastain, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, and More

A Star-Studded Event Awaits

The Hollywood Walk of Fame celebrates individuals who have made significant contributions to entertainment. Peter Roth, chairman of the selection committee, stated: The Walk of Fame has made history again! As Chairman of the Walk of Fame Selection Committee, I am thrilled to announce the distinguished honorees who will grace the iconic Walk in the Class of 2025.

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