There are Finally some Venom Movie Story Details

That there will be a Venom movie is something that has been known for some time. In fact, there has been a fair amount of information released about the people who have been cast for the movie in recent months. However, while there has been a fair amount of speculation about what the Venom movie might be about, it has not been until now that there has been confirmation that it will be based on a couple of Venom storylines from the comic books called Lethal Protector and Planet of the Symbiotes.

What Can We Expect From the Venom Movie?

Lethal Protector was a storyline that saw Venom making peace with Spider-Man before moving out to San Francisco. However, he is ambushed by the father of one of his past victims, who has hired an entire team of mercenaries to handle him in a most permanent fashion. From that point forward, matters become more and more complicated, as shown by the example of there being five symbiotes created from Venom by a doomsday-prep organization for the rich and powerful. However, Venom manages to come out on top by the end of the storyline, albeit with some assistance from Spider-Man, who paid a visit to San Francisco when things started heating up.

Meanwhile, Planet of the Symbiotes was a later storyline in which Eddie Brock forced the Venom symbiote to leave him because of its negative influence upon him. As a result, the Venom symbiote was angered to the point of issuing a telepathic communication to its brethren in outer space, thus leading to an attack on Earth launched by other symbiotes. Besides the five symbiotes created using Venom in Lethal Protector, the storyline also featured Carnage, who is another symbiote created from Venom through more natural means.

With that said, while the people behind the Venom movie have stated an interest in being faithful to the source material, it seems probable that it won’t be a perfect one-for-one adaptation, not least because Spider-Man won’t be available to show up in the movie. As a result, it will be interesting to see how they create a coherent storyline by drawing elements from both of those sources of inspiration. At this point, it is known that the doomsday prep organization will be showing up in the Venom movie. In fact, it has been speculated that Riz Ahmed will be playing its leader, which suggests that it is possible that said organization will have an important role in setting up the chain of events leading to an attack of symbiotes, whether those symbiotes come from its laboratories or from outer space.

Further Considerations

Regardless, the Venom movie is scheduled to see release on October 5 of 2018. As a result, more information is bound to continue coming out as its release date continues to approach. Something that should come as welcome news for those who are curious about how Sony will continue on with its Spider-Man movies even though it is no longer able to use the titular character, who is now a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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