The Best Uses of Chainsmokers Songs in Movies or TV
So if you ask one member of the Chainsmokers what’s with their name you might get the explanation that it has something to do with the fact that one of
Music industry coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
So if you ask one member of the Chainsmokers what’s with their name you might get the explanation that it has something to do with the fact that one of
One of the most popular big hair bands, Poison was among the number of groups that would come out on stage and simply rock the house since they were considere
Fifty years, that’s how long the band Rush has managed to last until just this year when they decided to disband. Like most other groups they’ve b
It’s funny but Tool was formed from a bunch of guys that initially wanted to do something very different. A couple of them wanted to get into the acting
One thing you can’t say about DMX, aka Earl Simmons, is that he had an easy life growing up. If rap music is an extension of one’s personality the
Having had a chance earlier this year to watch Paul Simon live in concert it’s now possible for me to say that even in his older years he knows how to p
Kendrick Lamar is just one more bit of proof that a person isn’t bound to become a product of the place they come from or repeat the mistakes of the pas
At one point and time music was a very serious thing that could get a person in a lot of trouble if they listened to the wrong thing according to someone else
Alanis Morissette hasn’t been a stranger to fame for a long time since she was in several episodes of You Can’t Do That On Television when she was
Formed in the early 80s, the band Sade was named after their lead singer, Sade Adu. This London-based group has sold millions of records worldwide and has bee