Days of Our Lives Spoilers Harris Parts Ways with Ava After Uncovering Her Lies

Days of Our Lives Spoilers Harris Parts Ways with Ava After Uncovering Her Lies

Fans of Days of Our Lives are in for a rollercoaster as Harris Michaels (Steve Burton) finally makes a tough decision. After tirelessly trying to navigate his complex feelings and the web of deceit spun by Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun), Harris decides it’s time to part ways.

Unmasking Deception

After his stint on General Hospital, where he disputed the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Steve Burton returned to reprise his role as Navy SEAL Harris Michaels on Beyond Salem. His next journey shaped up on Days of Our Lives, entangling him in a precarious relationship with Ava. In recent episodes, Detective Harris shrugs off the fact that Stefan DiMera tried to kill him, all while grappling with Ava’s dubious dealings.

The discovery of Ava’s lies has shaken Harris to his core. After learning that Ava orchestrated heinous acts with Clyde Weston, it’s no surprise that things reach a tipping point. As Ava’s actual role in these criminal activities becomes evident, it’s clear why Harris felt compelled to distance himself.

A Bittersweet Farewell

A particularly gripping moment unfolds when Harris catches Ava ready to shoot Clyde Weston. Ava regrets not getting rid of Clyde, because in her mind that was the solution, Tamara Braun shares. This key moment exacerbates Harris’ disillusionment, forcing him to see the chasm between their moral compasses.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers Harris Parts Ways with Ava After Uncovering Her Lies

Ava is taken aback when Roman informs her that Harris hasn’t returned from Montana yet and needs some time to process everything. She figures he’s there to break up with her… it’s that hard part of wanting to run into someone’s arms you love, but the intense fear that you will be rejected, Braun reflects.

Departure and Reflection

Upon returning, Harris breaks the news gently – instead of ending things outright, he is leaving town to follow a lead on Megan Hathaway. He implies needing this time apart might give them a chance to mend things down the road. But as Braun explains it best, Ava hasn’t been so lucky in love… He’s leaving… leaving her and their chance of being able to be together.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers Harris Parts Ways with Ava After Uncovering Her Lies

This raw chapter culminates with a poignant farewell as the pair makes love one last time before saying their goodbyes. You try to feel everything real… and you cry and you say goodbye, describes Braun.

Saying Goodbye On Screen and Off

For those closely following their on-screen chemistry, these scenes also signify Tamara Braun’s final appearance alongside Steve Burton on this show. Reflecting on their shared history from their days on GH as Jason and Carly, Braun remarks, I enjoyed working with him again… I want people to be happy. Life is short.

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