Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

In a recent episode of his Full House Rewind podcast, Dave Coulier shared a fascinating detail about his iconic character, Joey Gladstone. The actor revealed that he got to pick the last name for his role in the beloved sitcom Full House. Interestingly, despite what many might recall, I got to pick my own last name, did you know that? My character’s last name, he mentioned during an interview with guest Debra Stipe.

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

The Origin of Gladstone

Coulier shared that the show’s creator, Jeff Franklin, approached him about choosing a last name for his character. Jeff said ‘I’m trying to get a last name for your character,’ and I said, ‘How about Gladstone?’ And he laughed and goes, ‘All right, sounds good. And that was it.’ Debra Stipe, who played Cindy in three episodes of the show, was curious about the reasoning behind Coulier’s choice.

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

The origin of the name was quite simple. I always thought it was a funny name, Coulier responded. It was almost like, ‘I’m glad that I’m stoned.’ You know, I’m a comedian, so that was what I thought.

Casting Challenges and Triumphs

Coulier’s audition process for Full House was far from smooth. He experienced mixed signals from various producers. According to Coulier, he felt confident after reading for Jeff Franklin but was caught off guard when another producer wanted him to read for a different role. Despite this confusion, Franklin was certain about Coulier. I don’t care who else walks in here today, that’s my Joey. That’s my character, Franklin had asserted.

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

A Hidden Gem of Talent

The show’s creator elaborated on how casting Coulier brought an unexpected delight to the team. Jeff Franklin once stated, Dave was the last person we cast. We needed a direct contrast to Jesse’s cool guy character. His magical presence and performance made him the ideal Joey Gladstone from day one.

This serendipitous choice turned out to be one of the most endearing elements of the show, contributing greatly to its eight-season success and a subsequent revival on Netflix as ‘Fuller House.’

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

The Legacy of Full House

Coulier’s character left a significant impact not only on fans but also on his peers. His comedy style resonated well with audiences, contributing to why the series became one of television history’s most cherished shows. Dave Coulier‘s candid sharing on his podcast highlights just how intimate and intricate such canonical decisions are.

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

An Ongoing Journey with ‘Fuller House’

The legacy continues with Netflix’s ‘Fuller House’, bringing back old memories and rekindling bonds with fans across generations. Dave Coulier still feels connected to his roots in the Tanner household.

Dave Coulier Shares How He Chose Uncle Joey’s Last Name on Full House

Coulier’s insights were part of Season 2 Episode 7 of the Full House Rewind podcast where he spoke actively about his journey as Joey Gladstone and how these pivotal moments came to be.

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