Channing Tatum Hopes to Revive 23 Jump Street After Praising Cancelled Script

Channing Tatum Hopes to Revive 23 Jump Street After Praising Cancelled Script

Channing Tatum revealed his strong interest in pursuing 23 Jump Street with Jonah Hill. Although the film was initially developed as a sequel to their successful R-rated comedies, 21 Jump Street (2012) and 22 Jump Street (2014), it encountered numerous roadblocks.

The Best Script He’s Ever Read

Tatum described the project’s script as the best third sequel to any franchise he had ever read. Despite this, the journey to bring it to fruition has been challenging. He mentioned that the sequel wasn’t made due to a lot of bureaucracy and other complications. Your preaching to the choir, man, he noted during a recent interview, expressing his belief that the idea could still work.

Sony’s Ambitious Plan with Men in Black

The crossover plan was first proposed after the infamous 2014 Sony hack, which revealed discussions about integrating Jump Street with another major franchise, Men in Black. Sony Pictures began planning this crossover with directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returning as producers, alongside Neal Moritz.

The Director Behind the Crossover

James Bobin, known for directing movies like Muppets and its sequel, was chosen to helm the ambitious crossover project titled MIB 23. The screenplay was crafted by 22 Jump Street‘s writer Rodney Rothman. Despite these exciting plans moving forward in March 2016, the project fell through and was canceled in 2019.

A Passionate Appeal from Tatum

Tatum remains passionate about revisiting his role in Jump Street. He shared that both he and Hill would love to reprise their roles, emphasizing his desire to see the project come to life despite past obstacles.

The original films were directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. 21 Jump Street earned $200 million worldwide, while its sequel, 22 Jump Street, grossed an impressive $331 million globally.

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