Celine Dion Discusses Life and Career with Stiff Person Syndrome

Celine Dion opened up to NBC’s Hoda Kotb about her experience with stiff person syndrome, sharing that trying to sing feels like somebody is strangling you. This exclusive interview, previewed on TODAY, shed light on how the condition is affecting her daily life and singing career.

Difficulties in Singing

Dion explained that when she attempts to sing, it feels like someone is pushing on her larynx and pharynx. When I try to make my voice higher or lower, I spasm, she said.

Suffering from Spasms

The spasms can occur all over her body and can be so intense that they have even broken ribs. Dion first revealed her diagnosis in December 2022 through an emotional Instagram post, where she expressed how stiff person syndrome started in her throat but can also affect the abdomen, spine, and ribs.

Celine’s Struggles

Celine Dion Discusses Life and Career with Stiff Person Syndrome

Dion mentioned that when she tries to point her feet or place her hands in certain positions while cooking, they cramp up and often get stuck in a position of, like, you cannot unlock them.

Living with Stiff Person Syndrome

Roughly one in a million people have this rare condition. Individuals with it often experience rigidity in their torso and limbs, as well as severe muscle spasms, which can cause falls. These spasms may be triggered by stimuli such as loud noises, touch, or emotional distress.

Impact on Career

In 2023, Dion canceled her European tour due to health-related issues. Despite this setback, she has been working hard to regain strength. Earlier this year, she made a surprise appearance at the Grammys and was met with a standing ovation while presenting the album of the year award.

A Personal Battle

Dion has not shied away from discussing her battle with stiff person syndrome, even sharing happy moments with fans. On Friday night, the iconic singer uploaded a joyful picture on Instagram with a beaming smile alongside her sons.

The siblings—Rene-Charles and twins Nelson and Eddy—were also grinning ear to ear, reflecting their mother’s improved health. Dion expressed in an interview,If I can’t run, I’ll walk. If I can’t walk, I’ll crawl. But I won’t stop, showing determination despite her health challenges.

A Look Ahead

Dion’s resilience is further documented in the upcoming Amazon special I Am: Celine Dion, premiering June 25. The show will include new footage revealing more about her journey.

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