Caroline Stanbury Navigates Relationship Strains with Sergio on Real Housewives of Dubai

On the latest episode of Real Housewives of Dubai, Caroline Stanbury and her husband, Sergio Carra, are finally preparing to move into their new home. To commemorate this milestone, a party is thrown, but tension brews as Sergio becomes upset following a hypnotherapy session that Stanbury had.

Caroline Stanbury Navigates Relationship Strains with Sergio on Real Housewives of Dubai

Their friend Michael hosts a celebratory event at his place, where Stanbury and Sergio have been staying for an extended time. Initially planned as a short-term arrangement, their stay dragged on, reaching a point where they had clearly overstayed their welcome. In jovial fashion, Michael throws a ‘GTFO’ party to mark the occasion of finally reclaiming his space.

Caroline Stanbury Navigates Relationship Strains with Sergio on Real Housewives of Dubai

Amidst the jumble of moving boxes, Stanbury expresses her bewilderment over her strained relationship with Brooks, saying she does not understand what is causing these behavioral changes in her friend.

Trying New Therapies

Stanbury has recently turned to hypnotherapy as an alternative to traditional methods. Opting for hypnotherapy—a technique even used by Princess Diana—she aims to address her habit of micromanaging Sergio. Her drive stems from formative years spent in boarding school that ingrained controlling behaviors.

This revelation comes during one hypnotherapy session where she acknowledges she treats Sergio more like a child than a spouse, a dynamic that both she and Sergio find troubling. I went to boarding school from ages six to 18 and became such a control freak, she confides.

Caroline Stanbury Navigates Relationship Strains with Sergio on Real Housewives of Dubai

Emotional Fallout

Sergio overhears part of the hypnotherapy session and feels distressed about Stanbury’s emotional retreat and perceived lack of visibility in their relationship. He shares his frustration with Sara during the ‘Good Riddance’ party.

Lesa Milan Weighs In

Lesa Milan comments on the tensions among the castmates. She particularly questions Brooks’ motivations and alliances, noting that Brooks often manipulates friendships for her gain.She cannot manipulate both sides anymore, Lesa observes.

During this same eventful party, Taleen hears what sounds like Stanbury calling Brooks names behind her back. The Bravo cameras catch Brooks referring to Stanbury with derogatory terms while intoxicated, further complicating their already rocky relationship.

Caroline Stanbury Navigates Relationship Strains with Sergio on Real Housewives of Dubai

Final Confrontation Among Friends

Attempting to patch things up with Brooks, Stanbury meets with her only to find Brooks arriving late and blaming work commitments for the delay. The conversation quickly steers toward unresolved issues when Brooks accuses Stanbury of making overblown accusations about previous events while also hinting at jealousy over Ayan’s friendship.You are not Princess Diana. Humble yourself, Brooks quips.

The tension underscores how fragile their relationship remains despite agreeing to work on their issues.

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