Bill Maher Hints at Ending Stand-up Career after 13th Special

Bill Maher Hints at Ending Stand-up Career after 13th Special

Bill Maher may just be stepping off the stage. This week, Maher dropped a monumental hint that his upcoming HBO special might mark the end of his stand-up career. The reveal came in an intimate chat with fellow comedian Jerry Seinfeld on Maher’s Club Random podcast.

I feel nervous about telling you this, but after this year, I’m going to stop doing [stand-up], Maher confessed to Seinfeld. The reaction was palpable as Seinfeld expressed genuine surprise.

What Led to This Decision

On the podcast, Maher noted the hefty amount of effort he’s put into his comedy over the years. I put a lot of time and effort into it. As you know, stand-up is like playing the cello. You can’t just walk up there. You have to stay in practice. And I do, I’ve always loved it. I’m always working on it. But I have a show. Indeed, since 2003, Maher has been hosting Real Time With Bill Maher, and prior to that, he helmed Politically Incorrect. The man has kept himself consistently busy.

Bill Maher Hints at Ending Stand-up Career after 13th Special

The Broader Context

This career shift arrives amid a bustling schedule for Maher. Real Time continues to air new episodes every Friday at 10 p.m. ET on HBO, maintaining its critical edge and cultural commentary. Last week’s episode featured an exclusive interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as an Independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election—showcasing the relevance and impact of Maher’s work outside stand-up.

Bill Maher Hints at Ending Stand-up Career after 13th Special

A Future in Other Ventures

Beyond stepping back from live performances, Maher hinted at venturing more deeply into other forms of entertainment. If I don’t have to practice the cello eight hours a day, I might want to do some of these kinds of things live, he shared, referring to potential live shows for his podcast, which have become increasingly popular events.

Mayer admitted that while he currently feels ready for this change, nothing is set in stone. I might change my mind. It might be like cutting off a limb, and I have to go back to it.

The Significance of This Move

This possible departure marks a significant shift after such a long and fruitful career in comedy. For nearly four decades, Bill Maher’s acerbic wit and incisive humor have struck chords with audiences worldwide—whether onstage or through screens.

Bill Maher Hints at Ending Stand-up Career after 13th Special

No matter where he directs his focus next, one thing is certain: Bill Maher’s influence on comedy and political discourse is far from over.

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