Bill Maher Discusses Stupid Ideas and Political Changes on Fareed Zakarias GPS

Over the weekend, Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” appeared on Fareed Zakaria’s show on CNN to discuss his new book, “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You.” As usual, Maher was blunt about his thoughts on modern politics.

Bill Maher Discusses Stupid Ideas and Political Changes on Fareed Zakarias GPS

Maher didn’t mince words, saying boldly, The kids are crazy and highlighting how the Left has evolved into a group with increasingly stupid ideas. Addressing critics who say he’s become cranky, he assured them, I haven’t changed… it’s that your ideas are stupid.

Bill Maher Discusses Stupid Ideas and Political Changes on Fareed Zakarias GPS

The Evolution of Both Political Sides

Interestingly, Maher pointed out that it’s not just the Left experiencing turmoil; the Right has changed even more drastically by rallying behind figures like Donald Trump who undermine democracy. He stated, The right doesn’t believe in democracy anymore…

Bill Maher Discusses Stupid Ideas and Political Changes on Fareed Zakarias GPS

A Nostalgic Look Back

Maher took a moment to reflect nostalgically on a time when political adversaries could still get along. He spoke with fondness of the friendship between Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill, contrasting it with today’s polarization: That is inconceivable today…

Bill Maher Discusses Stupid Ideas and Political Changes on Fareed Zakarias GPS

Concluding Thoughts

The discussion reminded viewers of the importance of dialogue and respect amid political differences. As Maher warns against the worsening divisions in America, his reflections offer a stark look at how far we’ve come—and not always for the better.

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