Big Brother 12 Week 7 POV Competition/Ceremony Recap

One of the best, if not THE best, Veto episodes this season on Big Brother. A lot of developments so let’s begin…

After the Nomination Ceremony, Brendon runs like a baby and cries (prays) to Rachel about how life was so much easier when she was there. Oh my God, just kill me now. Enzo comes in and he and Brandon discuss Britney’s gameplay, which Brendon is not a fan of obviously. Enzo approaches Britney, who tells him on everything she has that he is not going home, because Brendon is her target. Meanwhile, Lane and Hayden are determined to get Matt out the house and know that it is imperative to get Britney to see the logic in this plan. Of course, Lane is chosen for this task, but is flabbergasted when Britney doesn’t want to let Matt go out of fear of Brendon coming after her. I think she just signed her death warrant…

The Veto Competition is here and the competitors are everyone sans Ragan, who serves as default host. The game is called Big Brother Zoo and it involves the HGs being locked in cages, while Ragan asked questions from inside the house. The questions are basically what are you willing to do or not do to gain or lose Veto points. I believe the House Guests all started out with 50 points, which makes it an even start. The questions answered and the punishment/prize given were: Chum Bath Once an Hour for 24 Hours (Brendon), Handcuffed to a Houseguest for 24 Hours (Brendon, and Britney is the unlucky person to be cuffed with him ), Gave Up Points For a Phone Call Home (Lane), Have Not For Three Weeks (Brendon), Shave Their Head/Dye Their Hair Pink (Brendon, haircut), Earned Points for Being a Penguin For A Week (Enzo), Gave Up Veto Points For a Hawaiian Vacation (Hayden), Have Not Pass (No One), Gave Up Veto Points For $5,000 (Hayden), Donate All Clothes in Big Brother House Sans Clothes on Their Back To Earn Veto Points (Enzo). The winner is Brendon. Oh, boy…

Britney cries in the HOH room about the competition, while Ragan consoles her. Enzo, Hayden, Lane, and Brendon discuss the competition and they all think Matt won all the prizes, but the people who won everything is actually doing the whining. After Lane goes to talk to Britney, Enzo accuses Lane of winning stuff. Oy vey!

Lane gets called out by Britney, but he smoothly tells her that despite Britney thinking its the end of the world, she is actually safe. Then Lane announces to Big Brother that he will manipulate Britney if he has to in order to secure the Brigade. Gag me.

Britney later encounters Pandora’s Box, which I am sick of seeing this season. Anyway, Britney decides to open the box to get advice from a previous House Guest and unleash some sort of hell on the house. What’s in the box you ask? JESSE. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesse’s advice? How to get fit. Not how to win, not who is the biggest rat of the house. Jesse’s advice is to look like him. I seriously need to know who Jesse is screwing within the CBS or Big Brother production company for him to become a fixture in this game for so long…

Anyway, the ‘punishment’ of the housemates? A luau. Wow….

Now, it’s time to witness Brendon’s chum bath and Britney’s horror of it all. Oh My God give that girl an Emmy!!!! Total howling over here during this segment, but anyone chained to Brendon I would feel sympathy for.

Now its time to return to the game and Britney wonders if she should put up Matt or Ragan, but doesn’t want to put up Ragan. Matt wonders why not. Oh really, Matt??!!? The Self-Proclaimed Genius Mastermind then runs to tell Lane his plan, but Lane, Enzo, and Hayden are all seriously gunning for Matt’s neck to be on the chopping block this week. They each go to Britney to state their case and to inform her of Matt’s plan to throw Ragan under the bus. She runs to tell Ragan this news and he’s horrified. Wait until he hear that Matt lied about his wife’s illness… Wooo boy!

At the Veto meeting, Britney uses her senses and puts Matt on the block. This week is getting sweeter and sweeter…

Should Matt be on the block? Is Brendon even crazier than what we are seeing? Will someone keep Jesse from the Big Brother house?

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