Thirty Minutes of Rain From Thirty Different Video Games
Does anyone ever wonder how hard it is to get rain to look right in games? Obviously it’s not the easiest thing in the world since the different qualiti
Does anyone ever wonder how hard it is to get rain to look right in games? Obviously it’s not the easiest thing in the world since the different qualiti
Creating Convincing Vomit Scenes in Film and Television Who would have thought that fake vomiting could be such a fascinating topic? It turns out there are nu
There are definite moments in Star Trek history when events occur that make it difficult for the entire galaxy, and this season looks to be no different since
It’d be interesting to see how Pat Morita would continue to shape the legend of The Karate Kid today, but given that he passed away in 2005 at the age o
You’ve seen movies featuring authors, yes? A lot of times you’ll see them as they’re depicted above, as brooding, hard to deal with individu
Druig is perhaps one of the only truly disturbing Eternals since he happens to be something of a villain despite being born to the enigmatic race, who are mos
Ending on Casablanca was a definite plus for this clip, but it was great all the way through since the movie quotes that people use on a constant basis are pr
So let’s see here, there were no songs, Mushu and Crick-ee were taken out, and there were no ancestral ghosts to make Mulan more realistic and true to t
For casual viewers and those that aren’t diehard fans but love the story, the idea of Doctor Who is that the good Doctor will usually regenerate as a ma
Obviously the guys find something to do with their downtime when they have it, but otherwise, it’s going to be interesting to see Sam Neill and Jeff Gol