The Top Five Slurpees Scenes in Movies
Ah the Slurpee. It’s sweet, cool on a hot summer’s day, and downright tasty, and on top of that it’s a decent prop in a lot of different mov
Ah the Slurpee. It’s sweet, cool on a hot summer’s day, and downright tasty, and on top of that it’s a decent prop in a lot of different mov
John Fogerty’s Nervous Beginnings with Centerfield It’s fascinating to learn that John Fogerty was actually apprehensive about writing Centerfield
I’ve got to admit I love listening to these musical pieces no matter if I’ve never watched the show this one is attached to. I’ve been heari
Celebrities go to some serious extremes for some of their roles, and the diets they use for these effects are simply insane. The human body tends to need more
Love Her Madly was written during a time when The Doors were in a cool down stage. Jim Morrison wasn’t in a good way at the time and the band was feelin
The Amazon workout routine that was used for Wonder Woman is simply intense. Watching these women go at it, meaning lifting weights, doing insane cardio, and
Listening to the Star Wars cantina song on a barrel organ is different but it’s still easy to recognize. Don’t ask me to describe a barrel organ p
The notorious Popeye Doyle was made famous by this film that features two cops that are onto something when they suspect a drug deal about to go down in their
This mini-documentary allows Darude to explain just how Sandstorm came to be. To start with he was simply a club patron at first, listening to the music and t
For as many Marvel characters as Netflix seems to be ruining they’re also managing to improve on some as the shows continue to go on. In some cases ther