Justified 4.06 “Foot Chase” – Recap
The trail of Drew Thompson is heating up, and the tactics of those hunting him are getting more and more desperate. Last night’s Justified, cleverly t
The trail of Drew Thompson is heating up, and the tactics of those hunting him are getting more and more desperate. Last night’s Justified, cleverly t
For the last three episodes of FOX’s The Following we’ve watched Joe Carroll’s plan play out like clockwork, but in tonight’s episode
After what has been one of the most grueling hiatuses in TV history, for me at least, The Walking Dead is back.
Last week Justified took a time out from the season arc for Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) and Rachel (Erica Tazel) to try to track down his money, which wound up
Picking up from the last episode of The Following, we see the Edgar Allen Poe masked street performer waiting for his ‘Victim’.
The Following is one of those rare shows that actually gets better as it goes along.
The Walking Dead reached its mid-season finale tonight with a gunfight, an eye gouging, and a lot of very convenient plotting. “Made to Suffer” was the
Yet another 90-minute episode of Sons of Anarchy, and I’m left feeling like the entire MC laid rubber on my cranium. Seriously, Sutter and evil minions:
In tonight's 90-minute Sons of Anarchy the bulk of the episode was put to use moving the chess pieces forward, while the extra minutes seemed devoted to good
Last week’s “Killer Within” was simply emotionally exhausting for The Walking Dead‘s characters, and viewers. There is no longer any q