Falling Skies 3.10 Review: “Brazil”
For the past ten weeks, both old and new fans of Falling Skies have watched as the writers have set in motion story line after story line like bottle rockets
For the past ten weeks, both old and new fans of Falling Skies have watched as the writers have set in motion story line after story line like bottle rockets
For weeks now, we’ve watched and waited for the writers to use their considerable skill for weaving a tapestry of loosely related events into something
The usual push and pull of the invaders vs. the rebels took on a unique visage tonight. Rather than the usual in danger/ out of danger model of storytelling w
One thing that the writers of Falling Skies have learned to do masterfully over the last three seasons is the skill to illicit a large enough investment by th
The past three seasons of falling skies have been rife with calculated risk taking and pure dumb ass luck. It seems that our beloved ragtag band of characters