Better Call Saul Review: “You Went A Long Way To Not Pull That Trigger.”
Many years from now, Mike will sit down with a man about to make a decision. He’ll try to convince him to do what must be done; that if he continues to
Many years from now, Mike will sit down with a man about to make a decision. He’ll try to convince him to do what must be done; that if he continues to
When a man is drunk, and drives your kids home drunk, it is both fair and understandable to be angry. It’s even justifiable to drive over to his house,
There’s a scene in the first season of True Detective (or, as I like to call it, the only season of True Detective) in which Rust Cohle is sitting wi
One day, you wake up from a deep sleep. You check your phone, roll your eyes at the time, and sleepily get out of bed. You kick the dirty clothes off your fee
We’ve already seen how it ends, and more. We’ve seen the Cinnabon, and the garbage room, and the small house with the old television set. We’
Mike “Wags” Wagner is a lunatic. He talks to Wendy, without fear of judgement, about his desire to dominate women. He speaks often in crude, disgu
To die with purpose; to fill with light, and burn a hole in the clouds; to do what must be done, to end what never should have been. This broken, warped, scra
In 2015, the president of FX, Jon Landgraf, opined that there is just too much television. There’s a lot of truth to that. There are more television sho
In the fourth episode review of Billions, I wrote that Bobby Axlerod could smell his own blood in the water, and was getting out of the business to save him
A common Supernatural complaint, amongst both the fan and critic communities is that the show manufactures Winchester drama; that is, they pit the brothers