Mini Recap – Glee 1.7 “Throwdown”
Sue’s co-directing the Glee club with Will now, after the drug fiasco from last week. Like divorced parents, they’re both fighting for the favor o
Sue’s co-directing the Glee club with Will now, after the drug fiasco from last week. Like divorced parents, they’re both fighting for the favor o
Whoo! A lot happened in this episode and my mini-recap seems to have turned into a full blown recap. Feel free to skim. The Glee club has grown complacent. Ev
Quinn is still pregnant, and her morning sickness is getting in the way of rehearsal; she’s a poor replacement for Rachel. Terri is still not pregnant,
Previously on Heroes, from the abysmal ratings it looks like I was the only one who watched, but it’s all recapped right here. Time for our weekly monta
While Kurt tries out for the football team (taking a page from the glee playbook with him), Rachel storms out of glee practice when Will gives a plum part to
Welcome to Volume 5: Redemption. We open with the much hyped new crew of circus folk, all dressed in black and looking somberly over an open grave. The eulogy
Joel McHale and Chevy Chase headline a cast of misfits and snark their way through Community College. Join me and come vote on your favorite quote of the epi
Well, we’ve made it to the mid-season finale together. I’m so proud of us! I’m going to fight off the tears for my beloved John Hughes and w
We hop right into the action this week. Michael prepares for a mission. ‘An operation is more likely to be saved by a fresh set of batteries than a gun.
I had totally forgotten that Michael’s loft was right above a popular night club. Fiona and Mike walk past the waiting wannabes at the club’s