Am I OK? Movie Review and Dakota Johnson’s Remarkable Performance

Am I OK? Movie Review and Dakota Johnson’s Remarkable Performance

SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2022 REVIEW! Am I OK? marks the feature directorial debut of Tig Notaro and her wife, Stephanie Allynne. The film, written by Lauren Pomerantz, gives lead actor Dakota Johnson a large sandbox to demonstrate her sizable talents.

AM I OK?, starring Dakota Johnson, premiered at the virtual Sundance Film Festival and has now made its way to Max on June 6. This relatable LGBTQ+ coming-of-age film received positive reviews for its grounded performances and authentic storytelling.

A Story Rooted in Real Life

Based on screenwriter Lauren Pomerantz’s real-life coming-out story, AM I OK? brings a sense of truth to its narrative. The movie follows Lucy, played by Dakota Johnson, who realizes she’s a lesbian in her 30s. This journey of introspection and self-discovery is skillfully handled under the direction of comedian-actresses and wives Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allynne.

Dakota Johnson Shines as Lucy

Dakota Johnson delivers a nuanced performance as Lucy. Her character is often unsure about her choices in life. As a reception artist working at a spa, Lucy flinches at the idea of a romantic relationship. Lucy’s realization as she uncovers her sexuality is intertwined with her support system, especially her best friend Jane, played by Sonoya Mizuno.

Jane’s Role as the Best Friend

Sonoya Mizuno portrays Jane, Lucy’s best friend, who offers unwavering support throughout her journey. However, their relationship hits a major shift when Jane decides to move to London. This causes an immediate fissure and forces Lucy to confront her feelings.Am I OK? Movie Review and Dakota Johnson’s Remarkable Performance

Another major shift in their relationship occurs when Lucy opens up to Jane about the realization that she might be queer.

The Supporting Cast

The ensemble cast adds dimension to the film. Whitmer Thomas appears as Ben, a key supporting character. Jermaine Fowler provides comedic relief as Danny. Kiersey Clemons plays Brittany, Lucy’s co-worker and love interest, contributing significantly to Lucy’s exploration of her sexuality.

Jane’s boss offers her an opportunity to head a satellite office in her home of London.

The Directorial Debut of Notaro and Allynne

This film marks the directorial debut of Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allynne. Their imaginations bring an empathetically imagined mix of comedy and drama that adds depth to the storyline.Am I OK? Movie Review and Dakota Johnson’s Remarkable Performance

‘Am I OK?’ allows her uncertainty to linger as she’s questioning who she is and what she wants to do about it.

A Film for Pride Month

AM I OK? arrives just in time for Pride Month. With its grounded performances by Dakota Johnson, Sonoya Mizuno, Jermaine Fowler, and Kiersey Clemons, this film showcases authentic LGBTQ+ experiences.I’d be scared to touch someone else’s vagina…

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