Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

An Intimate Industrious Tale

In a recent drama actress roundtable hosted by The Hollywood Reporter, Jennifer Aniston opened up about some uncomfortable aspects of her career. During the discussion, she and fellow actresses touched on various challenging situations they’ve faced during auditions.

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

Breaking Away from Iconic Roles

Oh my God, yes. You just exhaust yourself. I mean, I could not get Rachel Green off of my back for the life of me. I could not escape ‘Rachel from Friends,’ and it’s on all the time and you’re like, ‘Stop playing that f–king show!’, Aniston joked about her struggles with typecasting. Her candidness provided insight into how difficult it was to move beyond her iconic role in ‘Friends’.

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

Chemistry Tests Gone Awry

Aniston also recalled the absurdity of certain audition practices, echoing sentiments shared by Anne Hathaway in an earlier interview with V Magazine: Back in the 2000s—and this did happen to me—it was considered normal to ask an actor to make out with other actors to test for chemistry…

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

A Universal Challenge

Aniston was not alone in her discomfort. Nicole Kidman admitted during the same roundtable that relying solely on chemistry in auditions is lazy:There’s a way you can shoot things. I think just relying on chemistry is lazy.

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

Mental Blocks in Auditions

The conversation underscored how demanding and intrusively pressuring these tests could be. Naomi Watts recalled feeling rattled after an unpleasant experience:I waitressed forever before I could finally get something… So, if you’re a nervous auditioner to begin with, to then say, ‘Now let’s have you make out with a complete stranger,’ it’s very uncomfortable.

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

Evolving the Audition Process

Anne Hathaway shared how the industry has shifted over time:I thought it sounded gross…. In her new film ‘The Idea of You’, instead of encouraging unnecessary intimacy during auditions, she opted for music-driven improvs to foster more natural connections.

Actors Share Audition Experiences Including Jennifer Aniston’s Awkward Moments

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