Five Ways Hawaii Five-O Could be Better This Season

Five Ways Hawaii Five-O Could be Better This Season

Some people actually groaned when Hawaii Five-O was brought back since despite being a very well-remembered show back in its time it seemed like the show was among those that didn’t really need to be brought back. Yet when it did make its way back to the small screen people were accepting and they seemed to enjoy it as has been evidenced by it remaining on TV. But there have been missteps here and there that have been noticed and that have plagued the show no matter who thinks it’s great the way it is. This is the way of pop culture however, if it’s not moving forward and given even the slightest chance it will stagnate and it will begin to get old somehow. This show and a few others that have come along in the last several years have even more working against them since they’re dealing with the very real idea that it’s been done before, even if it was a different era that came before. That alone is one reason why shows like this aren’t always destined to be winners when it comes to every aspect, no matter who they get to star in the lead roles.

Here are a few things that the show might be able to do to improve.

5. It needs to appeal to women as well as men.

You might say that of course it already does in some regards but you might also get a pretty hefty argument thrown your way since a lot of these types of shows appeal more to men in a lot of ways since that’s just the way they’ve been made for so long. While the idea of ‘toxic masculinity’ has been worked on by many a network and has been carefully monitored in a great many of ways, it’s bound to pop up now and again since that’s the nature of some TV shows, and it’s how things get done. But in order to really appeal to women there might need to be a few changes made so as to gain that kind of attention.

4. The plot needs to be fortified somehow.

The current technology has gone a long way towards making sure that the show will survive and be able to move forward without relying solely on the plot, but this is a very lazy way to go about things since it gives the writers and the show itself a safety net that they come to depend on if anything untoward happens. If that scenario comes to pass they can always throw a dangerous situation with plenty of special effects added in and make the story march forward even if the plot isn’t fully formed. It is still important for the plot to be able to advance on its own through structure and great dialogue just so it has the chance to actually be believable.

3. It seems that the diversity still needs a little work.

At first it would seem that the increased diversity was great, that the show had paid close attention and had decided to really push the idea that Hawaii is a very diverse place. But as time has gone on there have been slips here and there that have been noted. The fact that three non-white individuals are leaving or have left the show, leaving behind the two whitest guys on the team, is a problem for some people and is bound to cause a stir if it’s not corrected. There are plenty of people that can be called up, given an audition, and possibly even just added into the show for a short while before a replacement can be found. Ryan Gajewski of The Wrap has more to say on this matter.

2. The local culture is great, but the story needs to take precedence.

It is great that they’ve decided to place some focus on the local culture since it’s important to remind people where they’re at and why it looks so authentic, because it is. This is a huge step up from a lot on the mainland since it looks so much better and gives people an idea that the people making the show give a damn. But from time to time the story needs to move forward with the culture in the background and the story taking precedence.

1. There need to be more innovative and original ideas.

This is a problem for any show since quite honestly there have been a lot of programs that have suffered from a very real lack of creativity as the writers pool seems to run dry every now and then. In these cases it’s seen that old material is recycled or something is pushed that doesn’t quite feel right but is there as a placeholder in order to give the writers a few minutes to relax and come up with something better. Drink some caffeine, have a drink, take a walk, do SOMETHING to stimulate the imagination. Linda Holmes of NPR has more to say on this.

If nothing else, watch old episodes and see what might have been, not what was.

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