The Unique Love Story of Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker

It’s definitely unique in a sense but Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker’s love story is something that’s almost out of a storybook with how perfect it sounds. Driver was at one point enlisted in the Marines. He joined after 9/11 as he was eager to serve his country. During training however he was almost killed with white phosphorous and was only saved by the shifting wind that carried the material away from him. In case you don’t know what white phosphorous is or can do, it’s a weaponized chemical that’s fired from a mortar round, and when it explodes the chemical interacts in the air and can cause serious chemical burns that can eat right through flesh. Driver was very lucky that he didn’t come into contact with any, or it could have been deadly. The thing that did take him out of military service however came when he broke his sternum during a mountain-biking accident and was then medically discharged from the Marines. Not long after being discharged he decided to make his way back to Juilliard where he sought to pursue an acting career.

This was where he met Tucker, who has as strong a passion for acting as he does and has been with him now for years. They married in 2013 in a destination wedding that was attended by only a select number of people and have been together since. Their chemistry together is so perfect that they make one of the cutest couples around since they seem to know each other inside and out. In fact Driver had this to say:

“She taught me what Gouda cheese is … and that you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full and spit on the sidewalk.”

That sounds like something one of his various characters might say, perhaps Philip from This Is Where I Leave You. But aside from being so close and so obviously in love with one another they have also managed to start up a non-profit organization known as Arts in the Armed Forces. This allows Drive to stick to his military roots and gives both of them a chance to share something that means something to them with the men and women of the US military. At this point Tucker serves as the Artistic Director for the foundation and is still focused on her acting as well. Driver has a great deal to do with the foundation and is still very much working on his career also since there is another Star Wars movie yet to come out. Where he’ll go after the trilogy has ended is anyone’s guess but at this point he’s made a very big name for himself just being associated with the Star Wars franchise. Tucker, who has been in her share of productions, is also a well known individual and has been building her reputation as well.

So far the two haven’t entertained the thought of having kids yet, but they’re still relatively young and there’s still plenty of time so a lot of people are gladly wishing them good luck and hoping that they’ll stay the cute, loving couple they’re currently seen as.

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