Netflix Producing a $25 Million Female Action Film Called “Kate”

Netflix Producing a $25 Million Female Action Film Called “Kate”

As far as movies go a good action flick is always something to anticipate. One that stars a female lead is also a big draw, but in terms of Kate, the newest film that Netflix is trying to hype, the plot might need a little work.  The writer is trying to see if Cate Blanchette might be available for the part based upon her role in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, but it’s uncertain just yet if such a thing could possibly happen. If it did then there’s a chance the movie could actually be something special. Until then however the idea of it seems a little thin.

Right now what’s known is that Kate will be about a woman that has 24 hours to solve her own murder. As of now the plan is to start production in April of 2018. What’s needed so far is a director and a star, which could be big problems and set the production back unless someone is quick enough to find both without that much of an issue. But getting back to the whole plot problem.

Solving one’s murder is a popular topic and can open up a wide array of effects and plot points that can impress a lot of people and make a movie capable of being shot in many different ways. The only trouble is that the idea has been done to death lately and is becoming just a bit stale. It might still have enough juice in it if the director, whoever that might be, can find an angle that audiences haven’t seen more than a few times in the past few years and can create a unique take on the plot so as to keep people interested.

That being said, the practice of driving an idea into the ground is nothing new. There are reportedly only seven main plots throughout the world, and among them is tragedy, as well as the voyage and return, as well as rebirth. Kate seems like it could fit into any of these just based on the simple plot that’s been given. To be a revenge story there would need to be more given out, and comedy seems to be ruled out without question. Overcoming the monster, another plot device, seems like it could be feasible but in an action movie that’s not always likely since monsters tend to show up more in horror and fantasy or scifi films and so far this is only being lauded as an action film. And to be honest, rags to riches isn’t even a consideration at this point.

The most likely plot device would be the voyage and the return with a hint of tragedy laced in to make it that much more exciting. After all, finding out the particulars about your own death does tend to fit into the scifi region and there could very well be something to the story that involves effects that are similar to movies such as The Source Code and Happy Death Day. How else could person solve their own murder?

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