Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 21/22 Review

Agents of SHIELD 322

Agents of SHIELD had a packed one this week as the third season wrapped up in a two-hours season finale where Coulson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. have their final war with Hive once and for all, but at a big cost with one of their owns sacrificing themselves.

Never have two hours of this show managed to get so insanely intense that I almost passed out, literally. We have known for a while that someone was going to be killed off in the season finale ever since Daisy got those visions and boy, did the writers of the finale have fun playing with the viewers’ emotions and I mean it in a goody way. Throughout the two hours, they made it possible for any one of those characters to get the cross while also wearing a SHIELD jacket (which they should totally make available for purchase in merchandising, I am just saying ABC and Marvel TV). One minute it could have been Fitz, while the other maybe May, then it was almost Mack until it was this close to Daisy being the one to go as she decided to embrace faith. But someone decided to defy faith which we will get to in a bit.

The first hour was definitely not as strong as part two, but something I did really appreciate with part one was Daisy’s emotional struggle and withdraw. It was a lot more than I expected, but in a way I appreciated the writers for including that because it was definitely something that they would have to address eventually. Her Good Will Hunting moment with Mack broke me and reminded me how ridiculously (but yet deeply appreciated) huge his arms are as she was pretty much lying her head on one of his giant biceps. I hope to see these two grow closer and closer in Season 4, despite Daisy’s new path at the end of the episode, which we will touch upon soon enough. I also loved Mack’s dynamic once again with Yo-Yo who better be promoted to series regular next season because 1) I love speedsters and 2) having an ethnic female character on the main cast would be appreciating.

Lincoln was one of the few people that I had predicted was going to die because of some foreshadowing as well as the impact that his death would have on Daisy as well as the team. Whether it’s on Agents of SHIELD or on The Tomorrow People, Luke Mitchell always manages to break my heart over and over with the heroic characters that he plays on screen. His final moment with Daisy over the coms was touching and beautifully performed because you knew that this wasn’t going to get solved, this was the end of him. Despite this being a comic book show, no last minute rescues arrived and I actually appreciated that, mostly because Lincoln’s death also got Hive out of the equation as they were both trapped on the ship. I don’t know what it was, but seeing a hero and villain just embracing that they were about to die, was neat and not something we see very often.

It will be sad to not see Brett Dalton or Mitchell anymore on the series, but their send-off was so well done that it was easier to see their departure. We then jump ahead six months later to learn that Daisy has gone rogue-ish (I can’t put enough emphasis on that ish) as Coulson and Mack are trying to get to her, but for what reasons, remains to be seen. I don’t know how to feel about the final post-credit scene as we pretty much get the hint that the 4th season will be playing around with Life Model Decoys (LMD), but I’m intrigued by the mystery. Overall, the two-hour finale of Agents of SHIELD Season 3 was intense, suspenseful, heartbreaking and intriguing because of the final minutes.

Agents of SHIELD will be back for a fourth season this fall on Tuesday nights on its new timeslot at 10/9c on ABC.

[Photo: ABC Network]

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