Guillermo del Toro’s Bold Advice Made Alfonso CuarĂ³n Direct Prisoner of Azkaban

Alfonso Cuarón recently reflected on the 20th anniversary of his film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in an interview with Total Film. During the interview, he revealed how strange it felt when Warner Bros. offered him the chance to direct the third Harry Potter movie. Initially, he didn’t see himself taking on such a project.

Cuarón recounted, I was confused because it was completely not on my radar. I speak often with Guillermo [del Toro], and a couple of days after, I said, ‘You know, they offered me this Harry Potter film, but it’s really weird they offer me this.’

Guillermo del Toro’s Bold Advice Made Alfonso Cuarón Direct Prisoner of Azkaban

A Strong Reaction from a Friend

When Cuarón told Guillermo del Toro about the offer, del Toro’s reaction was intense. He couldn’t believe Cuarón hadn’t read the Harry Potter books and gave him some tough love. Del Toro said, Wait, wait, wait, you said you haven’t read Harry Potter? You are an arrogant asshole.

As Cuarón further explained at the Telluride Film Festival in 2018, del Toro’s words were even harsher: Fuckin’ skinny, you’re such a fuckin’ arrogant bastard. You are going right now to the fuckin’ bookshop and get the books and you’re going to read them and you call me right away.

A Game-Changing Decision

This advice pushed Cuarón to dive into J.K. Rowling’s magical world. He quickly grew fond of the series and found great value in it. He admitted to calling del Toro back to say, Well the material’s really great. This realization ultimately led him to accept directing duties for The Prisoner of Azkaban, a film beloved by many fans for its unique vision.

Guillermo del Toro’s Bold Advice Made Alfonso Cuarón Direct Prisoner of Azkaban

An Unlikely but Perfect Fit

Producer David Heyman had seen Cuarón’s work on Y Tu Mamá También, believing he had something special that could benefit Harry Potter. Heyman thought,I oddly thought he’d be the perfect director for the third ‘Potter.’ That’s not what some might think. Can you imagine what some thought Harry, Ron and Hermione would get up to?

This gut feeling paid off handsomely. The Prisoner of Azkaban opened in the U.K. on May 21, 2004, and hit U.S. theaters on June 4, 2004. The film was well-received both critically and financially, grossing $804 million worldwide.

Guillermo del Toro’s Bold Advice Made Alfonso Cuarón Direct Prisoner of Azkaban

A Legacy Cemented

Cuarón’s journey with The Prisoner of Azkaban remains a powerful chapter in his career as well as in the Harry Potter universe. His unique take on the series brought new life to its characters and storylines.

Guillermo del Toro’s Bold Advice Made Alfonso Cuarón Direct Prisoner of Azkaban

It’s fascinating how a single conversation can change one’s trajectory so profoundly. Thanks to del Toro’s push, Cuarón accepted a pivotal role that would leave an indelible mark on fans worldwide.

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