7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

Exploring the Sequel Possibilities of Will Smith’s Cinematic Universe

Will Smith’s illustrious career has left an indelible mark on Hollywood, with a series of blockbuster hits that have captivated audiences worldwide. In the realm of cinema, the allure of sequels often hinges on the success and impact of their predecessors. As we delve into the speculation and excitement surrounding possible continuations of Will Smith’s most memorable films, it’s worth considering how these stories could evolve in follow-up installments.

The Undying Legacy of I Am Legend

I Am Legend, a film that showcased Smith’s ability to carry a movie almost single-handedly, ended with a sense of finality yet left many yearning for more. The potential plot directions a sequel could take are intriguing, especially considering the original’s open-ended finish. The idea came up. I can’t talk about it yet. But it’s a really, really cool concept, and he was a part of creating the idea. So it was one of those ones I was gonna leave alone, and then I heard the idea. I was like, ‘That might work. I think we can do that.’ – Smith’s own words hint at an exciting concept in the works. With the original book featuring vampires after a pandemic, a sequel is expected to be more faithful to this narrative, offering a fresh take on the vampire civilization introduced in Richard Matheson’s novel.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

Hancock’s Unfinished Journey

The character arc of Hancock presented a unique take on superheroes—a flawed being seeking redemption and acceptance. The film concluded with Hancock evolving into a true hero, but there’s ample room for growth. The fact that Hancock is not based on a book gives creative freedom for a sequel to expand on this universe and explore deeper layers of character development.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

Enemy of the State In Today’s Digital World

In our current digital age, Enemy of the State’s themes are more relevant than ever. The original film’s exploration of surveillance and privacy concerns resonates with today’s society. Throw in one of the action thriller’s greatest-ever directors, and it’s no surprise to find Redditors in unanimous agreement that the end result comfortably ranks as one of the finest techno fables ever told, regardless of whether you saw it 20 years or 20 minutes ago. – Scott Campbell. The opportunity for a modern sequel is ripe, potentially delving into contemporary issues such as identity theft and government overreach.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

Bright Future Despite Mixed Reactions

Despite its mixed critical reception, Bright garnered high viewer interest. Director David Ayer said, Highest compliment is a strong reaction either way. This is a f–king epic review. It’s a big fun movie. A sequel could address criticisms while delving deeper into its fantasy world—perhaps exploring more about its societal allegories and expanding on its lore.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

The Cult Appeal of Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West, despite its initial reception, has garnered a cult following over time. Its steampunk aesthetic and adventurous spirit could be reimagined for contemporary audiences. It’s fun, fantastic, and apparently violent enough to be pulled off the air by Congress – Supercult South Bad Movie Professor Cameron Coker remarked on its attributes that could translate well into a modern sequel.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

The Continued Success of Bad Boys Franchise

The success of ‘Bad Boys for Life’ has paved the way for potential further installments in this beloved franchise. The film demonstrated impressive international box office performance, suggesting that fans are eager for more high-octane action and camaraderie between detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

The Ripple Effects Explored in Seven Pounds Sequel

‘Seven Pounds’ left audiences with profound questions about life, death, and sacrifice. A sequel could explore the ripple effects of Ben Thomas’ actions on those he helped—delving into their stories and how his ultimate sacrifice altered their destinies.

7 Will Smith Hit Movies Begging for Follow-Up Sequels

In conclusion, these seven Will Smith movies not only showcase his dynamic range as an actor but also present fertile ground for sequels that could bring fresh narratives to life. For fans and movie enthusiasts alike, the prospect of extending these stories is an exciting one that holds promise for new adventures on the big screen.

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