Whatever Happened to the Cast of “Planet Terror?”
As zombie movies go Planet Terror is one that is well and truly ‘out there’ as it involves a long lineup of big stars and a plot that seems comple
As zombie movies go Planet Terror is one that is well and truly ‘out there’ as it involves a long lineup of big stars and a plot that seems comple
The mashup might not have originated in the 80s but the thrillers from that decade seem to have taken on a life of their own by taking several different eleme
As actors get older some of them don’t change all that much and it’s easy to recognize them from the things they’ve done in the past. But th
In a big way it seems like thrillers got more and less complicated as the years rolled by. People wanted more of a thrill and less of a neurological chill as
One thing you can say about Kevin Costner and his movies is that he always seems to play the reluctant individual that doesn’t always want to get involv
It’s very hard to keep track of every last star in Hollywood but it bears mentioning that some of them kind of come and go in regards to the spotlight e
Days of Our Lives fans are not surprised to see that things are going down the way that they are. There is so much that we can’t control, and so much we
After seeing more and more emerge on the delightful channel that is Syfy, I knew I had to compile a list of these shocking movies that made me dry heave and l
General Hospital fans know that Bobbie is the kind of woman who likes to make things known in her own time. And right now, she’s allowing Kim to be some
The Bold and the Beautiful fans are well aware that there is a lot of stuff going on right now, and none of it seems to be good news. But what makes us so hap