Video Explains Why We All Think CG is So Bad
By now a lot of us have heard people claiming that CGI is bad and that it’s ruining modern films. This video gives a pretty good explanation of why that
By now a lot of us have heard people claiming that CGI is bad and that it’s ruining modern films. This video gives a pretty good explanation of why that
When inexperienced snowboarders try to use a ski lift it’s pretty awesome…for those watching at least. It kind of sucks if you’re the mook t
I’m not sure why it was thought to be okay to reshape Abe Lincoln’s penny portrait into a skull, but I’ll at least give the engraver credit
One thing you would think that a police chief would never do to obtain an autograph, even when it was David Bowie’s, is call in a bomb scare. But appare
Black Lightning is a DC superhero that’s just recently been brought to the CW as a new addition and possibly to muster more support for the DCEU as it
Movies shot in Montana tend to have a very outdoor feel to them even if they happen to switch locations every so often and head on into the cities. The natura
Having to draw every single Pokemon for an all-inclusive poster looks like a long and tedious process. Apparently this took around 350 hours and through timel
White Water Summer is about the learning experience that goes on between Alan and Vic. While Alan is headstrong and doesn’t want to listen to Vic, who i
Denzel Washington is a master of his craft, and one of his most powerful tools as an actor is his ability to convey intense emotion through his voice. His yel
A lot of David Bowie’s music had a definite point to it and Let’s Dance was no exception. The line ‘put on your red shoes’ calls to th