JG Quintel’s new show “Close Enough” – What We Know

JG Quintel’s new show “Close Enough” – What We Know

Close Enough is largely about the transition from one’s 20’s to their 30’s and all the things that happen in between. Anyone recall what that decade worth of time was like? If you had kids already it was a constant drag because you likely weren’t ready and had to give up a lot of your life, and if you didn’t you might have wondered what it might be like to have kids. You weren’t old enough to feel old but you were no longer young enough to bounce back so easily from an all-nighter or a weekend of binge-drinking. You were no longer a part of in-crowd but it wasn’t yet time to start hanging out with the retirees either. From your 20’s to your 30’s is kind of a rough decade to go through, largely because it’s almost like an adult version of adolescence. Close Enough seems to be the life story of a lot of people that are still experiencing this difficult transition from being the party animal to being the responsible adult that society wants.

So what else can we find out from this sneak peak?

Parenting is hard and it’s worth celebrating the little things.

In the opening part of the clip you see the mother and father openly high-fiving and celebrating the fact that their kid is in bed and it’s still relatively early in evening. Now all of you that scoff at this and find it funny might not have kids, or you might have exceptions to the rule when it comes to bed time. For the rest of the realization is that kids DON’T LIKE BEDTIME. It means that they have to go to sleep and possibly miss out on whatever the adults are doing, which really amounts to housework, watching boring reruns, and quite possibly downing a half-gallon of ice cream between them before passing out on the couch. Party city.

When you’re in you’re 20’s to 30’s you are not young anymore, but you’re not ancient.

All those thing you loved to do when you were younger, be it getting high, getting drunk, doing stupid things, the works, are not as fun as they used to be because you’ve gotten older. As is shown in the clip it’s not possible to rewind the clock and go back to doing things that might have been fun as a younger person. But there are still things to do for enjoyment, like having sex in a car, preferably far away from people, and tripping out when no one else is around. Plus, according to the snafu that occurs when the husband runs into a wall, video games are just not what they used to be.

Close Enough is bound to be a series that goes through a lot of weird, transitional phases that showcase what it’s like to keep growing up even though you think you’re already grown. It’s a good weird though since it shows a lot of what it takes to keep moving forward and enjoy the little things. Hopefully this happens without experiencing a lot of the bad things.


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