Five Things You Never Knew about the Show Total Divas

Five Things You Never Knew about the Show Total Divas

The WWE has been a popular brand for decades now and has accumulated legions of fans. As the company has grown it has continued to expand it’s diversifying its interests in ways that are designed to increase their following and give viewers something new to look at. Enter “Total Divas,” a show that is all about the women of the WWE and how they interact with each other outside the ring.

While the occasional mishap does happen this show is designed more to show the private lives of the divas and what they deal with outside the ring in an attempt to show fans that they are in fact normal people with very ordinary lives. Whether it works or not is always the question, since many wrestling fans tend to believe what they want.

Here are five things you didn’t know about Total Divas.

5. The show is mostly scripted

Now there might be more mature fans that understand how the show works and how this practice of scripting the dialogue will transfer to its other programs. However, many people still tend to believe that the dialogue is all too real, and that the situations presented within the show are one hundred percent genuine. WRONG. “Total Divas” is just as scripted as the regular shows, and is designed to go forward with minimal problems. However mishaps do happen and if the camera is rolling one can usually catch something that a cast member didn’t mean to say or do.

4. It shows a very different side of John Cena

For years now Cena has been the face of the WWE, bringing a large measure of dignity and hard work to the craft that has helped to make it the respectable program that it is today. However, on “Total Divas” it’s seen that Cena is a bit of a control freak. He makes his own girlfriend, star of the show Nikki Bella, sign an agreement before moving in with him, and sits down to have a frank and honest discussion about marriage and children. Really when you think about it the character of Cena on the regular evening show doesn’t seem anything like this. But then remember, it is scripted.

3. It does show very real moments

The cameras are rolling more often than not, and this means that for all the scripted parts, there are times when things simply happen, and there is no such thing as a script to predict what is about to happen next. This includes in-ring accidents that can occur if someone gets hit or kicked the wrong way, all-night partying escapades that end up with someone puking down someone else’s dress, and so on. Remember, reality does happen even on reality TV.

2. It was a revival for the Bella twins.

Before the show aired the Bella twins were already on a roll in the WWE. They’d established themselves as a force to be reckoned with and were on top of the world until interest in their brand started to wane. At one point it seemed as though they might be on their way out, but then “Total Divas” aired and their rise back to the top has been on a stable course ever since.

1. The show isn’t as desirable for all female wrestlers.

Despite the popularity of “Total Divas”, not every woman on the roster was lining up to be a part of it. In fact stars such as the former Divas Champion AJ Lee and current roster member Sasha Banks flatly refused to work on the show. They were dedicated more to their craft than developing their acting chops, and as such have been targeted as dark horses within the company and somewhat alienated from the rest of the roster.

Final Thoughts

Many viewers of the WWE tend to stick to the weekly wrestling shows and pick and choose from the other programs that the company has to offer. “Total Divas” has apparently become one of the most popular over the years, but just like the rest of the shows it’s not so much about the “real” life of the divas outside the ring, but another ploy to get people to watch.

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