Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

Doctor Who‘s latest season splashes onto Disney+ with Ncuti Gatwa making an impressive debut as the 15th Doctor. Gatwa’s performance, coupled with Russell T Davies’ return, has reinvigorated the beloved sci-fi series. Early reviews hail Gatwa as mesmerising and delightful, setting a high bar for this new chapter.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

First Two Episodes Hit the Ground Running

The opening episodes, “Space Babies” and “The Devil’s Chord”, dropped on May 11, offering fans an early taste of what’s in store. Russell’s writing is incredibly fun,’ he shared, continuing to say that it was a wonderful, ‘interesting, and fresh new page. Despite a few mixed reactions, it’s clear that Gatwa is settling into his role with ease. Fans of the long-running series have something truly special to look forward to as the series explores its new themes.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

Space Babies A Bold Yet Flawed Start

The kickoff episode “Space Babies” features the Doctor and new companion Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as they explore an abandoned space station run by sentient infants. What could have been a heartwarming scenario harks back to a CGI-heavy nightmare reminiscent of Baby Geniuses. As reviewers noted, the episode was at best, a little underwhelming, and at worst, an undercooked narrative.

As you would guess, the majority of the episode revolves around the space babies in question. Unfortunately, this ambition didn’t translate well on screen; clunky CGI and hammy dialogue detracting from the overall experience.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

The Devil’s Chord Strikes a Stronger Note

The second episode “The Devil’s Chord” offers viewers relief with an engaging storyline set in 1963. Here, the Doctor and Ruby witness the chaos caused by Jinkx Monsoon’s villainous Maestro. The chemistry between Gatwa and Gibson shines through, providing hope for future episodes.

This episode not only highlights Millie Gibson’s ability to match Gatwa’s energy but also introduces exciting new characters like Neil Patrick Harris’s diabolical Toymaker, further enriching the season’s narrative.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

Navigating New Directions Under Davies’ Command

Russell T Davies’ return has generated mixed reactions. While some critics feel he allocates too much time explaining Doctor Who’s history, others praise how he grounds fantastical stories in relatable human experiences: [Davies’] writing makes heroes out of seemingly ordinary people because…ordinary people become heroes every day.

Davis brings a refreshing dynamism that links past iterations of the series with its current form on Disney+, creating an approachable yet thrilling experience for both long-time fans and newcomers.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

A Visual Feast with New Production Quality

The transition to Disney+ seems to have paid off visually. From the redesigned interior of the TARDIS to striking costumes inspired by various historical eras, the production quality remains exceptional. Every sci-fi element is vividly presented, making each location burst with unique details.

The move from BBC America to Disney+ opens up new possibilities for the show while maintaining its essence. Despite some early hurdles, these first episodes suggest that this integration into other streaming platforms may broaden Doctor Who’s global reach significantly.

Doctor Who Disney Plus Review Ncuti Gatwa Shines as the Time Lord

Final Thoughts – Promising Yet Room for Growth

The initial offerings from Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor indicate a strong start for this latest iteration of Doctor Who. While not every element hits its mark perfectly—“Space Babies” falters—the energy brought by Gatwa and Gibson alongside Davies’ creative vision makes for an exciting watch.

This iconic series’ new chapter brims with potential, keeping longtime fans onboard while inviting new viewers into its rich universe. It may take more than two episodes to fully judge this revival—but so far—it looks like Doctor Who’s future is in talented hands.

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