Without an FBI Director You’re Free to Make Copies of all VHS Tapes

Without an FBI Director You’re Free to Make Copies of all VHS Tapes

I’d rather not harp on the James Comey firing that took place yesterday.  I think that plenty of websites and TV outlets are doing a solid job of it.  I mean this story is plastered everywhere and is going to be the main subject in politics for at least the rest of this week.   But I wanted to bring something up that’s of the utmost importance to all of you movie fans out there.   Also, before I say this I’d like to apologize to everyone reading this who doesn’t even know what a VHS tape is.  If you don’t, go on, read something else and come back here when we have something relevant.

But to all you VHS owners out there, if there’s one thing you can take out of the dismissal of James Comey, it’s this.  If there was ever a time to make copies of your VHS tapes without worry of a criminal investigation from the FBI, now’s the time to do it.

Remember this ominous green, blue, black warning you’d get before watching your movies on VHS?  $250,000 fine for copying!  So yeah, how many people actually GOT that fine?  In today’s world this is the equivalent of sharing a video without the persons consent or copyright infringement.   Anyway, get out those copiers and got nuts people!

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