Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Act 2 Cast Reunite on The View for 30th Anniversary

On Wednesday’s episode of The View, Whoopi Goldberg reunited with her ‘Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit’ co-stars to celebrate the film’s 30th anniversary. The Oscar-winning actress was joined by Kathy Najimy, Wendy Makkena, and Sheryl Lee Ralph, among others.

Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Act 2 Cast Reunite on The View for 30th Anniversary

The reunion was filled with heartfelt moments and memorable performances. Goldberg led her castmates in a recreation of the film’s climactic performance of Joyful, Joyful, with Tanya Trotter stepping in for Lauryn Hill’s part.

As the performance came to a close, Tears welled in Goldberg’s eyes as she embraced Ralph. Reminiscing about their experiences, Goldberg expressed how moving it was to see everyone back together again.

Highlights Included Ryan Toby’s Return

A notable highlight of the reunion was Ryan Toby, who played Ahmal in the film. He performed solo lyrics, bringing nostalgia to both the audience and his fellow actors.

Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Act 2 Cast Reunite on The View for 30th Anniversary

Naomi Judd also sent a heartfelt video message, adding to the emotional depth of the event.

Music Supervisors and More Reminisce

The show also welcomed Marc Shaiman and Mervyn Warren, who served as music supervisor and composer for the film. They joined in sharing memories and discussed how they assembled iconic soundtracks that contributed to the movie’s success.

Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Act 2 Cast Reunite on The View for 30th Anniversary

Inviting Sheryl Lee Ralph to Join Sister Act 3

An exciting moment unfolded when Goldberg invited Sheryl Lee Ralph to be part of the upcoming ‘Sister Act 3’. As she said, We’re in the process of putting together [the third movie]. Will you come be part of it? Whatever it is.

Whoopi Goldberg and Sister Act 2 Cast Reunite on The View for 30th Anniversary

Video Messages from Absent Stars

Daisy Ridley, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Erica Campbell, and several other stars who couldn’t attend sent in video messages celebrating the milestone. Their messages conveyed their joy and pride at being part of such an iconic movie series.

The Show Ended on a High Note

The celebration culminated in another moving performance when Goldberg stepped back into her role as Sister Mary Clarence, leading her choir students once again.

This reunion undoubtedly reminded fans why ‘Sister Act 2’ remains a beloved classic.

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