Whatever Happened to Robert Romanus?

Whatever Happened to Robert Romanus?

There are actors that tend to fade away after a short run in the business and there are those that stick around but aren’t quite as well known except to those that might recognize them from previous performances, and Robert Romanus is definitely a part of that latter group since he hasn’t retired and is still acting to this day. If anyone wants to hazard a guess as to why or how he’s still around it’s pretty easy: he’s didn’t give up after one decade had passed and he kept pushing himself to take one audition after the other. There’s a definite difference between show business and many other lines of employment, but the one basic principle that a lot of people follow, those that are still around and can count themselves as successful, is that they don’t give up. Some might say that direction is filled only with empty platitudes and that ‘can-do’ spirit that can only take a person so far, but when a person looks at the difference between those that are a faded memory in the history of show business and those that are still working even if they’re not nearly as popular as they want to be, it’s still very telling since those that are out there working are likely doing it because they enjoy it, and of course, because they want to keep collecting a paycheck. But one thing they’re not doing is simply looking back and wondering where it all went wrong.

To be certain, Robert isn’t exactly the most popular actor in the world right now, but he’s still doing what he wants to do with his career and he’s still working on projects that are upcoming so it’s fair to say that he’s in the game even if he’s not ahead of it at all times. But one has to imagine that at some point in life, especially if there are fond memories to look back on, being ahead of the game isn’t always the goal so long as a person is still firmly in it and can still play. Being the absolute best is something that a lot of people strive for, but those that have been around long enough eventually come to realize that if you can be the best, then do it, but if you’re enjoying what you’re doing, you’ll be the best you can at any given time even if you’re not considered the best by everyone around you. It’s better to enjoy what you do and be able to hold your head up than make yourself a neurotic mess in the effort to get everyone to like you after all since that’s almost never bound to happen given that people are always going to find a way to drag someone down whether they deserve it or not. If Robert has ever felt this effect it’s kind of obvious that he’s taken it and kept pushing forward since as I already mentioned, he’s still around and he’s still doing what he wants to do. Pushing forward is a big part of life, especially if you’re doing it for yourself, and not just the fans.

It’s interesting to think on whether or not folks like Robert ever look back along the course of their career and wonder if they could have done anything differently, and if they would have had they been given the chance. Being human comes with the ability to regret some of the things we’ve done or at least wish that we could have certain moments back, as we might want to see if we could rework said moments to produce a slightly different or extreme outcome that might land in our favor or might at least bring about a more desirable conclusion that didn’t happen the first time around. A lot of us do have such moments that we would gladly change if we had the chance, or so we think, but looking back at Robert’s career it would appear that he’s had a fairly successful time in the entertainment industry as an actor and a musician and it’s very easy to think that when it comes to his career he might make a few different decisions, but he might also be willing to say that he’s had a good time with it as well and is fairly happy that he’s stuck with it throughout the years. Show business is definitely a way of life that can welcome a person in and then chew them up and spit them out if they’re not prepared, but there are plenty of people that show that they’re more than ready to take what it can offer and keep going. As of now Robert is still moving forward with his career, and it’s a big hope that things will continue to work out for him.

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