What Lindsay Hubbard Wishes Wasn’t Aired on Summer House

Lindsay Hubbard and Carl Radke continue to experience friction on this season of Summer House. The May 23 episode featured tension boiling over once again as Lindsay, 37, shared that she had been walking on eggshells around Carl following an incident where her fiancé drove off without taking her luggage.

What Lindsay Hubbard Wishes Wasn’t Aired on Summer House

This tension was further exacerbated when Carl, 39, discussed rejoining the company with Kyle Cooke to work on a nonalcoholic beverage launch. Kyle offered Carl a deal involving 10% of profits, $2,000 for each appearance, and a $3,000 monthly stipend. Though Carl was hopeful for more, Lindsay’s response lacked enthusiasm, stating, Nothing has been done. This led to a heated exchange where Carl walked out, frustrated by the lack of perceived support.

Unexpected Challenges at the Pool

Their discussion continued by the pool during West Wilson’s apocalypse party. Carl expressed his need for softness and tenderness from Lindsay. However, this request deeply offended her. The word that I think you’re looking for is that you need a Stepford wife. And I am never going to be that person, said Lindsay, emphasizing her refusal to change her personality for him.

What Lindsay Hubbard Wishes Wasn’t Aired on Summer House

Doubts About Their Future Together

Paige DeSorbo added fuel to the fire, suggesting that Lindsay and Carl shouldn’t rush their wedding plans. In light of the unfolding drama, Paige noted that being around them made her reconsider marriage altogether.

What Lindsay Hubbard Wishes Wasn’t Aired on Summer House

Carl eventually broke off the engagement at the end of summer, leaving Lindsay heartbroken. Speaking on PEOPLE ahead of season 8 premiere, Carl admitted: You’ll really watch the relationship unfold… There may be things that I watch that I’m not going to be proud of and wish I handled differently… But I think the best way [for people to understand] is unfortunately to see it firsthand.

The upcoming episodes seem set to explore these rifts in greater detail as the Season progresses.

What Lindsay Hubbard Wishes Wasn’t Aired on Summer House

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