Marco Polo Season 1 Episode 10 Review: “The Heavenly and the Primal”
Marco Polo‘s relationship with portraying conflict this season has been a hot mess; the show either spends too much time setting up a climatic moment, o
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Marco Polo‘s relationship with portraying conflict this season has been a hot mess; the show either spends too much time setting up a climatic moment, o
Marco Polo is constantly drowning interesting moments in a lot of pedantic, overstuffed melodrama – and that season-long trend continues in “Pris
The way Marco Polo‘s paced its first season, it was almost expected that “Rendering” would delay the Battle of Xiangyang until episode nine
An important narrative turning point for Marco Polo‘s first season, “The Scholar’s Pen” is a promising episode that ultimately suffer
I had some hope for “White Moon” to turn Marco Polo into a Byamba/Marco buddy cop show – and although that dream was mostly filled, it le
One would think an attempt on the Khan’s life would kick some life into Marco Polo – and then we get “Hashshashin”, a story about se
One would think the return of Marco’s father and Jia’s first real power play within the Song power structure would prove to be Marco Polo‘s
Despite some seriously gratuitous nudity, “Feast” is Marco Polo‘s first fully-formed episode, further developing the lives of Kublai and Ji
Sprawling dramas like Marco Polo always face the same challenge early on: developing characters and story simultaneously, as to not quickly lose audiences w
Marco Polo is an interesting $90 million gamble for Netflix: based on a man best known for being a pool game, and featuring precisely zero well-known America