Tag: Andor

Andor: The Axe Forgets-Recap

It’s interesting to realize how much is going on in the Star Wars universe that doesn’t have that much to do with the Jedi or the Sith, especially

Andor: Aldhani-Recap

It wasn’t too surprising to see the first three episodes of Andor released all at once, but the fourth episode has pushed things ahead in a way that mak

Andor Number of Seasons Reduced

As of late, Andor has been the most anticipated Star Wars series of everything that has been expected to come to Disney+, but with several changes before the

Andor: Episodes 1-3-Recap

It’s evident at this point that well before Rogue One, Andor was kind of a pain in the neck to a lot of people. One could say that he means well and tha

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