Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

Welcome aboard the opulent seas of Below Deck Mediterranean, where luxury yachts host a whirlwind of crew dramas and unforgettable moments. As we set sail on a journey to rank the most riveting events from this hit reality TV series, let’s anchor down and revisit the waves these scenes made among fans and crew alike. From love triangles to unexpected departures, each moment has left an indelible mark on the show’s legacy. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked.

1. Malia’s Love Triangle

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

Season 2 of Below Deck Mediterranean brought us a classic reality TV trope: the love triangle. Malia White found herself entangled with chef Adam Glick and bosun Wes Walton, creating a stormy sea of emotions. Malia and chef Adam had known each other before boarding the Sirocco, yet her feelings for Wes caused quite the stir. Adam’s discontent was palpable, leading to tension that rippled through the entire crew. The aftermath saw Adam deciding not to bring Malia back for Season 3, a move that certainly rocked the boat for fans rooting for their favorite deckhand.

2. Hannah’s Departure

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

The waves hit hard in Season 5 when Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier was dismissed from The Wellington yacht. Captain Sandy Yawn let Hannah go after discovering unregistered Valium and a CBD pen in her possession. It was just really, really disappointing to me, Hannah expressed her feelings about the controversial exit that shocked viewers. Her departure marked an end of an era, as she had been with the show since its inception, earning her a special place in fans’ hearts. Bugsy Drake stepped in as Chief Stew, hinting that drama was far from over on Below Deck Med.

3. Chef Mila’s Cooking

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

Culinary chaos ensued with Chef Mila Kolomeitseva at the helm of the kitchen during Season 4. From rubbery steaks to boxed pancake mix disasters, Mila’s cooking skills—or lack thereof—provided cringe-worthy entertainment. You literally ADD water. That’s it!, yet somehow Mila managed to botch even the simplest recipes. Her performance was so lacking that Captain Sandy had no choice but to replace her with Anastasia Surmava, making it clear that even in yachting, you can’t fake good cooking.

4. João’s Promotion

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

The promotion of João Franco to bosun in Season 3 was met with mixed reactions from both crew members and viewers alike. His rise through the ranks stirred up alliances and conflicts aboard the yacht, reflecting the competitive nature of yachting careers. While some questioned his readiness for such responsibility, João has since become a fixture on ‘Below Deck Down Under’, proving his mettle in the industry.

5. Danny’s Dismissal

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

Danny Zureikat’s tenure on Below Deck Mediterranean was short-lived as he was dismissed before the end of Season 1’s charter season. His exit underscored how quickly tides can turn when crew members don’t align with the high standards expected onboard these luxury vessels.

6. Jess and Rob’s Relationship

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

The romance between third stew Jessica More and deckhand Rob Westergaard in Season 5 sailed through turbulent waters. Their relationship brought both sweet respites and stormy clashes, impacting not just their own experiences but also resonating throughout the crew. Jessica later reflected on whether starting a relationship during the season might have taken away from her overall experience on board.

7. The Sirocco Crash

Top 7 Below Deck Mediterranean Moments Ranked

In what could be described as every yachtie’s nightmare, Season 4 saw the Sirocco yacht crash into the dock—an incident that sent shockwaves across Below Deck Med fans. This harrowing event not only highlighted the inherent risks associated with yachting but also showcased how quickly situations can escalate in such a high-stakes environment.

In closing, these moments from Below Deck Mediterranean have etched themselves into reality TV history, each steering the series into uncharted waters of drama and excitement. Whether it was heartache on the high seas or kitchen calamities, these events have shaped the narrative of luxury yachting life in ways we’ll never forget. Now that we’ve navigated through these turbulent tales, feel free to share your own standout moments from this adventurous series!

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