The Bachelorette star Ryan Sutter addresses concerns about Trista

Ryan Sutter sparked concern earlier this month with a series of cryptic social media posts that left fans worried about his wife, Trista Sutter. However, Trista has taken to Instagram to reassure everyone that she is indeed safe and well.

The Bachelorette star Ryan Sutter addresses concerns about Trista

Trista’s Clear Message

Geez people. Can’t a girl have a nervous breakdown/trial separation/midlife crisis/death/divorce in peace around here?! shared Trista on May 25, with a picture featuring her husband and kids on a sunny beach vacation. Surrounded by rumors and speculations, she clarified, In all seriousness, for those concerned, I’m safe and sound, happy and healthy, in love and grateful.

The Bachelorette star Ryan Sutter addresses concerns about Trista

Ryan’s Public Appreciation

Ryan also expressed his feelings about the whole situation in an emotional post. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder… We found out it’s true. It also makes the heart more grateful, more sympathetic, more appreciative for what someone does for you, with you, alongside of you.

Explaining Her Absence

Trista explained her absence by saying it was an opportunity for perspective and personal growth. She mentioned having the unconditional support of her family and friends during her time away.

The Bachelorette star Ryan Sutter addresses concerns about Trista

The Digital Diary

Ryan’s social media posts, which he referred to as his digital diary, were meant to share affection and appreciation but ended up causing confusion among fans. This time, he couldn’t say anything right and just about every news outlet picked up his ‘cryptic/confusing/attention-seeking/dramatic’ pictures and captions.

The couple reassured their followers that everything is fine – If you want to know the rest of the story, I will share in due time… After all, nervous breakdowns and separations require rest and relaxation!

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