The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace

The Star Wars universe continues to expand its rich tapestry of lore with the highly anticipated Disney+ series, The Acolyte. Set during the High Republic era, 100 years before the events of The Phantom Menace, this series promises to delve into the darker corners of the galaxy and potentially introduce one of the most enigmatic figures in Sith history: Darth Plagueis.

The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace

Who Is Darth Plagueis?

Many fans remember the chilling tale Palpatine shared with Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith. Darth Plagueis, as recounted by Palpatine, was a Sith Lord who possessed such a deep mastery of the dark side that he could manipulate life and death. However, despite his immense power, he was betrayed and killed by his own apprentice—implied to be Palpatine himself.

Darth Plagueis: one of the most brilliant Sith Lords who ever lived. Possessing power is all he desires. Losing it is the only thing he fears. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. And when the time is right, he destroys his Master—but vows never to suffer the same fate.

The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace

The Acolyte Series and Its Impact

The Disney+ series The Acolyte stands out as a major event, breaking away from the traditional Skywalker Saga to explore new timelines and perspectives within the High Republic era. Leslye Headland, showrunner for The Acolyte, has teased that elements from Star Wars Legends, including characters like Darth Plagueis, might be woven into the story.

This assumption is bolstered by quotes from people in the know such as JJ Abrams who said in a recent interview with Empire Magazine:

If you look at the first eight films, all the set-ups of what we’re doing in IX are there in plain view.

Unraveling Past Mysteries

A major draw for fans will undoubtedly be how The Acolyte might piece together scattered threads from Star Wars literature and film. Fans are already buzzing with speculation about seeing a young Plagueis recruited by his master, possibly Darth Tenebrous. The potential inclusion of Tenebrous adds an exciting layer to fan theories given his role in shaping Plagueis.

The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace

Amandla Stenberg and Her Role

Amandla Stenberg plays Mae, described as a central figure in this new narrative landscape who might interact with some iconic Sith figures. Stenberg’s insight into her role adds another level of excitement:

Amandla Stenberg will play a character called Mae in The Acolyte.

The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace

Darth Plagueis’ Origins and Influence

The novel “Darth Plagueis” by James Luceno offers valuable context on this character’s background and motivations. Considered one of the most informational Star Wars novels ever released, it digs deep into how Plagueis sowed seeds that would come to fruition long after his demise.

The Acolyte TV Series Explores Palpatine’s Sith Origin, 100 Years Before The Phantom Menace


Ultimately, as The Acolyte ventures closer to its premiere date on June 4, only time will tell which elements will be brought into canon and how Darth Plagueis will be portrayed. With high hopes pinned on showrunner Leslye Headland’s vision and reverence for Star Wars lore, fans are eagerly anticipating fresh encounters with these legendary characters.

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