The Acolyte Reveals Major Characters Ahead of its Disney+ Debut

As the anticipation for The Acolyte reaches a fever pitch, new character profile posters have been released, highlighting the major players in the series. We’ve got a closer look at some of the key figures gracing our screens in this Star Wars prequel.

A Closer Look at Leslye Headland

The Acolyte Reveals Major Characters Ahead of its Disney+ Debut

Leslye Headland, the mastermind behind The Acolyte, dives deep into the lore of the Star Wars universe with her unique perspective. Best known for creating the Netflix hit Russian Doll, Headland has always had a passion for storytelling. Speaking to EW, she shared, I really wanted to tell a story about the Sith. How did the Sith go from the Rule of Two and being quote-unquote ‘extinct’ to Palpatine coming into power without the Jedi knowing about it?

Amandla Stenberg as Mae

The Acolyte Reveals Major Characters Ahead of its Disney+ Debut

Amandla Stenberg stars as Mae, a character pivotal to exploring the rise of everyone’s favorite red-lightsaber-wielding baddies. Known for her dedication both on and off-screen, Stenberg recently recorded an iconic piece of Star Wars music on her grandfather’s violin at the John Williams Music Building. Fans can watch her performance as part of a special behind-the-scenes featurette.

The Acolyte premieres its first two episodes today on Disney+. This highly anticipated debut marks Stenberg’s first appearance as Mae in this dark and intriguing tale from a galaxy far, far away.

Dafne Keen Joins the Ranks

The Acolyte Reveals Major Characters Ahead of its Disney+ Debut

Dafne Keen is no stranger to captivating audiences with powerful performances. As part of The Acolyte’s stellar cast, Keen plays one of the major characters involved in this gripping narrative. While specific details about her role remain under wraps, fans eagerly await to see how her character fits into Headland’s vision. This young actress leaped into stardom with her role in Logan and continues to impress with each new project she takes on.

The Vision Behind The Acolyte

The Acolyte promises to delve into uncharted territories within the Star Wars universe. As Headland expressed, her aim is to tell an “underdog story,” focusing on characters who are often sidelined or misunderstood. This approach not only breathes new life into familiar realms but also allows for fresh narratives that could redefine fan expectations.

The journey from conception to screen was no small feat for Headland, who candidly admitted, I essentially cold-called Lucasfilm and, after a lot of conversations, found myself pitching a show—utterly elated, my ultimate career goal, the culmination of my fandom.

The Acolyte offers something for both old-school fans and newcomers alike. With its mix of traditional elements and contemporary twists, this series is set to be a significant installment in the expansive Star Wars saga.

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